Hospital Role For Breast Feeding Training

Afza.Malik GDA

Responsibilities of Health Care Providers for Feeding Training 

Hospital Role For Breast Feeing Training

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Mother Education Regarding Breast Feeding Balder & Bowl Habits and Brest Feeding Burping Practices And Baby Feeding.

 Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative

    Communities and health professionals are being encouraged to keep the baby and the mother together, and start giving breast milk soon after birth and not to given any prelacteal feeds. This is called Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. This has been supported by government and UNICEF and other agencies to promote breastfeeding and discourage prelacteal feeds. 

    Many hospitals have made arrangements where mothers of babies admitted to the special care units can come and feed the babies Normal babies are, of course, with the mothers so that they can breastfeed and take care of the baby. However, promotion of breastfeeding alone is not enough to make a hospital baby-friendly. 

    This should also include practices, which will make hospital safe for newborns such as: Safe delivery practices I. Proper care of the umbilical cord ill. Not bathing the baby for a day or two to prevent exposure to cold but instead keep the baby warm. iv. Early diagnosis and management of conditions such as absence of spontaneous breathing; aspiration, sepsis, hypoglycemia etc.

Mother Education Regarding Breast Feeding 

    Cleaning the Breasts Frequent washing, especially with soap removes the natural oil from the nipples, making the skin dry and more easily damaged and fissured. A daily bath is all that is necessary to keep the breasts clean.

    The less inhibited a mother is about where she feeds her baby, the more successful is the breastfeeding. To a majority of women in towns and villages, breastfeeding is a natural phenomenon and they do not feel the need for privacy while feeding the baby. 

    As a matter of fact, since the whole community looks upon it as a natural method feeding, it does not attract any attention at all, and women can be seen feeding their babies everywhere in the midst of crowds, at the market and at fairs. 

    Inhibitions come with enhanced social and economic status and the problems of breastfeeding also increase. However, more and more educated women are breastfeeding their babies and taking pride in it Many are seen breastfeeding in the midst of conferences and seminars

Balder & Bowl Habits and Brest Feeding 

    A happy satisfied baby who sleeps a good deal during the day as well as at night, has normal stools and urinates six times or more in a day and is growing normally is obviously getting enough food from the breast There are some babies, however, who in spite of being well fed, wake up and cry at night. They want to be held, carried and comforted more than other babies. 

    This may lead to the mistaken belief that the baby is hungry and that the mother does not have enough milk. She resorts to a supplement but even that does not seem to satisfy the baby because she was not crying out of hunger. For any objective assessment, one must be familiar with the growth pattern of infants and children. 

    The simplest parameter is weight, which can be recorded at home, at a clinic or a health center. It should be remembered that one weight record is not enough for assessment. A series of reading over a period of time, and the upward trend of the weight curve is more important than just one recorded weight. 

    A useful rule of thumb is if a baby gains less than 250 g in two weeks, she is not getting sufficient milk. A convenient method of recording the weight is on a growth card kept with mother so that she understands how her child is growing. This will give her confidence that her milk is sufficient for the baby. A mother should be encouraged to exclusively breastfeed her baby for 6 months.

Burping Practices And Baby Feeding 

    A breastfed baby swallows very little air while feeding and does not usually need to be burped. If, however, there is a will bring up wind in a minute or so. If she brings up a mouthful of milk along with wind, it is no cause for concern tendency to vomit, burping:

 A mother breastfeeds her baby in a should be advised. If the baby is crowded place remaining uninhibited by the held against the shoulder, she surrounding environment

    One never ceases to marvel at the qualities of breast milk and how nature has made it the most suitable milk for the baby, Foremilk comes at the beginning of a feed. It looks blue and watery. It is rich in protein, lactose, vitamins, minerals and water. Hindmilk comes at the end of a lead. It is whiter as it contains more fats. 

    A baby needs both the foremilk and the hindmilk for proper growth and development. Malnourished mothers also can and do produce good quality milk. Therefore, it is important for health workers to advise the mother to eat an extra helping of the family food to keep up her own strength and be able to look after her baby better.

    There are several reports of mothers being able to re-establish lactation after they had given it up in favor of bottle-feeding. Once they realize the advantages, they can be motivated to re-start breastfeeding under the guidance of a knowledgeable person

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