When Cease Breast Feeding

Afza.Malik GDA

Weaning Concept, Next Pregnancy and Breast Feeding 

When Cease Breast Feeding

Bowel Pattern in Breastfed Babies Breastfeeding and Another Pregnancy Breastfeeding and Child Spacing HIV and Breastfeeding.

Bowel Pattern in Breastfed Babies

    While on breast milk, the baby passes yellowish, sticky, semisolid sol which may be slightly curdy or greenish at times. The number varies a great deal, but most babies pass six to seven stools a day, usually alter feeds. They may pass a small amount of stool every time they pass wind.

    This is often mistaken for diarrhea, which is followed by administering all types of drugs. This is a perfectly normal pattern and needs no treatment. On other hand, some babies are considered to have constipation because they pass a stool every other day, even though it is perfectly normal in consistency. This, too, reeds no treatment.

Breastfeeding and Child Spacing

    With frequent breastfeeding, both during the day and night, most women do not menstruate for a few months, and this contributes to child spacing However, after three to four months, breastfeeding alone is not a reliable method of preventing the next pregnancy, even if menstruation does not start again. 

    At this stage, the use of a contraceptive should be advised. An intrauterine device (IUD) is a very suitable contraceptive and can be inserted six weeks after delivery. A condom too is suitable for contraception.

Breastfeeding and Another Pregnancy

    Some mothers believe that if they become pregnant again they should stop breastfeeding the baby. They often do it very suddenly, with the result that the breasts get engorged, and the baby is put on artificial feeding which she may not like and may refuse. Besides, there is a risk of infection The health worker should assure the mother that there is no harm in breastfeeding the baby during pregnancy and that there is nothing wrong with her breast milk. However, if she insists on discontinuing breast- feeding, it should be done over a couple of weeks.

    HIV and Breastfeeding

    The issue of breastfeeding by HIV infected women has become a complex problem for health workers in developing countries.

    There is a 16 percent additional risk of mother to infant transmission of HIV by breastfeeding Maximum transmission of HIV virus occurs during the first few months after birth. 

    Current opinion is that the best option for HIV infected women would be to avoid breastfeeding if it is safe and economic option for the family, This would be particularly true for children born to mother who have spent money and efforts on anti-retroviral therapy to prevent mother in child transmission or infants who have a negative PCR at 1 month of age Counselling of HIV positive mother should start early in pregnancy. 

    Parents should be able to make "fully informed decisions" about infant feeding options and then supported to carry out their decision as safely as possible.

    Replacement feeding whenever introduced could be accomplished by commercial infant formula and/or home prepared formula made with fresh animal milk. The latter is a better option for resource poor families. 

    The latest research however, shows that among mothers infected with HIV, infants exclusively breastfed for 3 months or more have no excess task of HIV infection over six months than those who have never been breastfed According to some researchers the dangers of breast milk have been exaggerated in the fight against HIV/AIDS and disadvantaged and poor women are better off breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months and then switching to other family foods. 

    A mother, not breastfeeding, is also likely to get pregnant again, further endangering her own health and that of the next infant.

    Anti-retroviral treatment (ART) is a strategy for prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in resource poor setting. Combining breastfeeding with several weeks or months of anti-retroviral therapy with weaning at six months of age has been suggested. 

    The Delhi Government has planned to provide nevirapine (NVP) to mother during labor and to the baby, with that of Zidovudine (AZT), through various hospitals. The choice of regimens to be included in a mother to child transmission (MTCT) prevention program should be determined by assessment of feasibility, efficacy, acceptability and cost.

  • Practical Consideration In Choosing Anti-Retroviral
  • Regimens For Mtct Prevention
  • Availability of voluntary counselling and testing services
  • Quality and frequency of antenatal visits Access to early postnatal care
  • Access to and cost of drugs

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