Community Health Collaboration With Research

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Community Health Nursing and Research

Community Health Collaboration With Nursing

 Community Health,Collaboration With Other Health Disciplines ,Community Health Nursing Research  And Its Classification,Opportunity In Community Research ,Nursing Challenges to Community Research.

Community Health

    Community health is influenced by environmental, biomedical, organizational, and behavioral factors and encompasses a broad definition of health. 

    For example, good jobs, education, safe neighborhoods, access to health and social services, and recreation and leisure activities all promote community health. 

    Community health is a process of health promotion and disease prevention in which community leaders identify community problems and assets, create consensus on goals, take action, and reach goals. 

    Key aspects of this process are community development and multisectoral interventions, including health policy and community participation. 

    Ongoing community-wide efforts assess and monitor progress in achieving explicitly stated community goals, for example, those adapted from Healthy People 2010 (US Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS], 2000).

Collaboration With Other Health Disciplines 

    Because the health of people is affected by broad contextual factors, nurses, particularly community health nurses, must collaborate with other disciplines in developing a knowledge base for community health. 

    Useful theories and models that can be applied to the study of community health include cultural change theories, social change theories, critical theories, community development, diffusion of innovation, ecological models, community participation, community power, and community decision making.

 Community Health Nursing Research  And Its Classification

    Community health research can be classified in different ways. For example, categorical programs include large-scale interdisciplinary studies such as the Minnesota Heart Health Program, the Pawtucket Heart Health Program, and the Stanford Five-City Project. 

    Noncategorical programs include Healthy Cities and action research. Epidemiological research includes community needs, assets assessments, and risk factors for disease. Finally, there are evaluations of community health interventions. 

    Increasingly, nurses are conducting community health research and involving other disciplines and the community in the process.

 Opportunity In Community Research 

    Opportunities for nursing research in community health are enormous. The growth of managed care is placing increased demands on state and local public health systems to ensure the continuation of vital programs. 

    Research in managed care and its impact on community health is needed to ensure accountability of essential services. The extent to which underserved populations receive care within cost containment strategies should be studied. 

    The development of community coalitions for health throughout the country requires further study. 

    Most major health programs--for example, Assessment Protocol for Excellence in Public Health (APEX/PH), Planned Approach to Community Health (PATCH), Healthy Cities and Communities, and HIV/AIDS Community Planning-involve the development of community coalitions as part of the community health process.

     Research is needed to explain under what conditions coalitions succeed in promoting community health programs and policies. How effective are these programs and policies in changing key community health indicators of success? 

    Nursing interventions, such as nurse managed clinics or community nursing centers, need further research. What are theoretical factors that sustain successful nurse managed services at the local level? 

    To what extent are these services being integrated into the networks of provider services? Dissemination of research findings is also important. For example, what are the characteristics of successful nurse-managed services that can be applied elsewhere and in what types of communities?

 Challenges to Community Research 

    Likewise, the challenges are enormous. Nurses can take the lead in interdisciplinary research collaboration. 

    The skills for community health research require the expertise of many disciplines in addition to nursing, including epidemiology, health economics, medicine, dentistry, health policy, statistics, and urban planning. T

    he challenge is to share the expertise of each discipline as well as share the credit and rewards of collaboration. Although the time is ripe for funding such research efforts, such funding is highly competitive in the current health care arena.

    The concept of community health incorporates a broad definition of health, one that recognizes the multiple community factors that support and impinge on health.

    Scientific inquiry that includes both qualitative and quantitative research approaches is needed to further build the body of knowledge relevant to the theory and practice of community health.

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