How Clicker Technology In Nursing Education

Afza.Malik GDA

How Clicker Technology Useful In Nursing Technology

How Clicker Technology In Nursing Education

What Is Clicker Technology,Use of Clicker Technology In Nursing Education,Impact of Clicker Technology In Nursing Education,Implementation In Nursing Education.

What Is Clicker Technology

    Clicker technology is a teaching strategy that promotes active learning in the class room setting. It is an interaction between presenter and participants that uses electronic polling to elicit immediate response and feedback that are tallied automatically, usually in the form of a bar graph (Caldwell, 2007; Skiba, 2006; Woolforde & Lopez Zhang 2012 ) . Clickers are also synonymous with audience response system (ARS), personal response system (PRS), student response system (SRS), and classroom response system. (CRS). 

    The ARS has three components: wireless-technology or browser based software such as Turning Technologies ARS system, a compatible receiver, and the remote-control clicker. The software can be downloaded free from the software company. The receiver and ARS are sold separately. The financial implication for implementing this program is minimal

Use of Clicker Technology In Nursing Education

    The ARS is widely used in the academic setting but is slowly gaining ground in the hospital setting (Paguirigan & Vezina, 2013; Woolforde & Lopez-Zhang, 2012) For example, the utility of the ARS technology in the hospital setting is used as an approach to improve an orientation program.At the beginning of each session, the participants receive their individual remote-control ARS that is used to answer questions by pressing a keypad to make a selection. Although the ARS has the ability to identify responder, it is usually used anonymously to create a nonthreatening atmosphere. 

    The clicker technology works by asking participants to respond to multiple choice, true/false, priority ranking. Likert, and even essay questions embedded in the electronic slide ( eg. , PowerPoint) lecture presentation. After a choice is made, responses are transmitted and are tallied automatically usually in the form of a bar graph (Caldwell, 2007: Skiba, 2006; Woolforde & Lopez-Zhang, 2012).

Impact of Clicker Technology In Nursing Education

    Adopting innovative technologies to stimulate active engagement in nursing education continues to be a challenge for nursing educators. The literature is replete with information making the claim that promoting active learning improves learning outcomes. The use of innovative teaching and learning strategies is grounded in Chickering and Gamson's (1991) seminal article on principles for optimal practice in education that includes "encouraging contact between learners and faculty, developing reciprocity and cooperation among learners; encouraging active learning giving prompt feedback : emphasizing time on task, communicating high expectations and respecting diverse talents and ways of learning.

    This technology encourages contact between learners and faculty through immediate response and feedback. It also raises the "level of participation and effectiveness of interaction" ( DeBourgh , 2008; Lymn & Mostyn, 2010; Russell, McWilliams, Chasen, & Farley, 2011; Woolforde & Lopez-Zhang, 2012). Although responses are anonymous, shy learners are encouraged to participate, creating a nonthreatening atmosphere. Learning outcomes are improved through peer learning and evaluation (Caldwell, 2007, Skiba, 2006).

    One of the most important benefits of this technology is to encourage active learning (Efstathiou & Bailey, 2012; Thomas, Monturo , & Conroy, 2011). The interactive environment keeps learners involved (Skiba, 2006). enhances their participation (Caldwell, 2007; Jones, Henderson, & Sealover, 2009; Russell et al., 2011), and reinforces concepts using the "learning-by-doing" format (Efstathiou & Bailey, 2012)

    Because responses are immediately compiled, analyzed, and displayed, giving prompt feedback is another benefit of this system (Menon et al., 2004). The faculty can assess the learner's level of comprehension of the concepts or mastery of material to monitor individual and class progress (Skiba, 2006). The pace of the lecture can be adjusted by slowing down or focusing on a specific subject with more depth. The faculty receives valuable input about teaching effectiveness, as well as student interest and comprehension (Caldwell, 2007; Menon et al., 2004). 

    The immediate feedback also fosters communication to clarify incorrect thinking ( DeBourgh , 2008) and identify gaps in knowledge (Collins, 2007). By rapidly quizzing learners in an open, yet welcoming format, the clicker method communicates high expectations ARS fosters learning that includes analyzing difficult concepts at the synthesis level, thereby promoting advanced reasoning (Caldwell, 2007, Collins, 2007, DeBourgh , 2008; Skiba, 2006). The traditional classroom is bound to quizzes that telegraph rotate repetition of basic knowledge, while clicking pushes the learners to think critically. 

    Time on task is greatly facilitated by the swift question-and-an answer format of clicking, which can be much quicker than the traditional pen-and-paper format of quizzing or by "show of hands" ARS increases satisfaction and enthusiasm (Caldwell, 2007; DeBourgh , 2008; Jones et al., 2009; Lee & Dapremont, 2012: Woolforde & Lopez-Zhang, 2012); decreases attrition rate (Caldwell, 2007); and increases attendance (Jones et al., 2009)

Implementation In Nursing Education

    The use of clicker technology has several implications in education in the academic and hospital-based setting. The challenge lies in engaging educators to embrace new technology in integrating the ARS in their respective educational programs ( Woolforde & Lopez-Zhang, 2012). The use of clickers can be an effective teaching strategy that provides a balanced approach between active and passive learning. It is still the responsibility of the nurse educator to be creative in developing other teaching strategies to provide a learning environment that promotes critical thinking and clinical decision making. 

    This technology also has a significant implication to nursing research in terms of evaluating outcomes in nursing education both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective.

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