Emergence of Online Learning In Nursing Education

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Online Learning In Nursing Education

Emergence of Online Learning In Nursing Education

What Is Online Learning,Emergence of Online Learning In Nursing Education,Acceptance of Online Learning In Nursing Education,Assessment in Online Learning In Nursing Education.

What Is Online Learning

    Online learning is an instructional method that uses Internet technology, electronic media, and digital innovations to actively engage students and deliver course content in an environment that is potentially rich and diversified. It is expressed in a variety of forms, with varying interpretations among institutions, faculty members, and students (Perry & Pilati, 2011). 

    Technology tools, strategies, and techniques designed to enhance, supplement, and/or replace traditional class-room teaching are generally included in the broad definition of online learning An online course is defined as one in which at least 80% of the course is online (Allen & Seaman, 2014).

Emergence of Online Learning In Nursing Education

    From the mid-1990s to the present, online learning has steadily increased acceptance and popularity among students and faculty members as an educational practice in nursing education, particularly in registered nursing (RN)-bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) completion and graduate programs (Billings & Halstead, 2012; Perry & Pilati, 2011). Online learning and teaching strategies are used in nursing education for facility orientation, staff development and training. continuing education programs, and tutoring, as well as in formal nursing courses in degree programs. 

    The wide range appeal is attributed to the evolution of the technologically savvy student combined with the need for flexibility, convenience, and accessibility in educational experiences.Online learning can be engaged synchronously where content is delivered in real time, requiring the student's presence at a designated time, or, more commonly, asynchronously where content is delivered on demand within a course time frame or at the student's own pace (Quinn Griffin & Novotny, 2012). 

    Synchronous learning activities make use of selected technologies such as whiteboards, virtual classrooms, interactive videoconferencing, lecture broadcasts, podcasts, and chat rooms. Asynchronous learning activities may include downloadable PowerPoint presentations, discussion forums, downloadable handouts, electronic textbooks, wikis, blogs, drop boxes, e-mail, and/or electronic office hours. Online learning materials can be instructor-created or commercial software products.

    Online learning courses require access to a computer or any device with web browser capability. Online learning programs are typically delivered via a learning management system (LMS) or course management system (CMS) that provides secure, structured, technology based platforms capable of a multitude of functions such as two way communication, classroom interactions, simulations, attendance and progress tracking, reporting and storing data, integration with external links, and ways to detect plagiarism (Billings & Halstead, 2012). 

    Current online management systems differ in style, but have similar characteristics in providing opportunity for content rich and active engagement in student-instructor, student content, and student-student interactions.Accrediting agencies for nursing programs have set forth standards for online learning These standards are used for structuring learning outcomes, delivery of course content, strategies for learning modules, and student evaluation components. Course evaluation tools and national standard rubrics provided by organizations such as Quality Matters (QM) certify excellence in online courses through peer review (Bento & White, 2010).

Acceptance of Online Learning In Nursing Education

    Researchers have indicated increasing acceptance of online learning among administrators, faculty members, and students (Allen & Seaman, 2014). Online learning tools and methods have transformed nursing education, yet concern remains related to standards, the concern of quality, and effectiveness of this new paradigm. The expectation is that online learning needs to hold to the same standards as in class face-to-face instruction (Perry & Pilati, 2011). 

    Faculty challenges include the need to rethink teaching roles to become more facilitative, face potential increase in workload, and gain expertise fully using the current technology. Studies have shown that learning through online methods can be the same or superior when compared to face-to-face classes (Hoffmann & Dudjak , 2012); however, not all educators agree (Allen & Seaman, 2014).Students' access and satisfaction are also considerations in online learning (Picciano, Seaman, & Allen, 2010). Student success in online learning requires basic computer skill, technology self efficacy, time management skills, and personal motivation. 

    Online learning requires active participation, Studies have shown successful students demonstrate motivation , display self efficacy with technology. and feel connected to their online classroom (Shen, Cho, Tsai, & Marra, 2013). While students have indicated satisfaction with online learning courses overall, social isolation and retention rates are ongoing concerns.

    Overcoming barriers that impede student success and promotion of retention are important issues to address in online learning. Potential barriers to online learning are access to equipment, technology knowledge deficit skill, individual learning styles, faculty teaching styles, motivation, and self-discipline. While recognizing that online learning may not be appropriate for every student or for every faculty member, online learning technology continues to gain wide application in nursing education (Perry & Pilati, 2011)

Assessment in Online Learning In Nursing Education

    Active engagement is a key component to student success in online learning (Kang & Im , 2013) Faculty members need to conduct research to determine best practices for promoting active engagement through online communities and to define measures to support student participation in using technology. Further research is needed to expand nursing education's knowledge base of ways to incorporate individual learning styles as well as faculty teaching styles into the online environment (Wuebker, 2013). 

    Adapting the use of emerging instructional design models and existing educational models will help address the issues of quality and effectiveness (Gormley, Colella, de Shell, 2012).Ongoing faculty development is important and needs to be collaborative with course design experts, faculty work groups. and accrediting bodies (Wang, Shannon, & Ross, 2013), Faculty members need to employ measures to promote academic integrity, improve accessibility, facilitate motivation, and promote self discipline. The use of technology to its fullest potential will provide a diversified and rich online learning environment for nursing students.

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