Evidence Based Practice and Research Literacy In Nursing Education

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Research Literacy In Nursing Education

Evidence Based Practice and Research Literacy In Nursing Education

Whats Is Research Literacy,Research Literacy and Nursing Research,Components of Research Literacy,Research Literacy and Advance Technology.

Whats Is Research Literacy

    Research literacy is an essential competency for evidence based nursing practice in this age of rapid technology and knowledge generation. Specifically, research literacy is the ability to locate, understand, and critically evaluate evidence for application in practice (Nolan & Behi, 1996). This topic is distinct from research capacity, which is the ability to conduct research (Fitchett, Tartaglia, Dodd McCue, & Murphy, 2012; Wayne et al. 2008).

Research Literacy and Nursing Research

    Research literacy is considered a component of research mindedness that includes understanding of the significance and relationship of research to practice; abilities to draw on research to inform practice; awareness of various research approaches and strategies; appreciation of the strengths and limitations of different research methods; and critical and open minded appraisal of research findings and literature (Maidment, Chilvers, Crichton Hill, & Meadows Taurua, 2011).

    Skills instrumental to research literacy are formulating research able questions; accessing information from multiple sources including electronic sources; differentiating which information to consider as evidence, critically evaluating and synthesizing evidence, interpreting evidence to make clinical judgments; incorporating research findings into communications with colleagues, patients, and community groups; maintaining ethical, responsible, and compassionate standards of practice; routine reflection on practice from multiple perspectives; and participation in the culture of research (Kreitzer, Sierpina, & Fleishman, 2010).

    Several approaches to teaching literacy research have been explored in nursing and other health disciplines. Promotion of critical thought is considered foundational for teaching and learning research literacy. Broad curricular strategies include curricular integration (Halcomb & Peters, 2009; Peckover & Winterburn, 2003). For example, integration could take place following a core research course with skills practice, and by enabling students to apply earlier acquired research skills (Lasater et al., 2009).

    Approaches that have been explored include collaborating with librarians for searching and e-literacy skills (Genoni, Merrick, & Willson, 2006 Hossain, Perrin, & Cumming, 2012 Janke, Pesut, & Erbacker, 2012: Phelps, 2013), direct clinical practice for application of research findings (Gray, 2010; Jakubec & Astle, 2013); and mentoring with experienced researchers (Leung, Verhoef, & Dryden, 2005; Maidment et al, 2011).

Components of Research Literacy 

    Skills of research literacy include formulating research able questions, accessing information, analyzing research findings for evidence, critically evaluating and synthesizing research findings, interpreting evidence to make clinical judgments, referencing research in communications, and maintaining ethical standards in all practices. It is recommended to use teaching and learning activities that engage students in the critical appraisal of evidence in ways that draw out practical relevancies and direct everyday practice (Jakubec & Astle, 2013; Lasater et al., 2009). 

    Collaboration among nursing students, faculty, librarians, clinical practitioners, and managers has been found to be an effective teaching-learning strategy for enhancing research literacy. Under pinning all strategies is faculty engagement in critical appraisal of research literature that is essential for teaching and learning success (Wayne et al, 2005)

Research Literacy and Advance Technology

    Expanded technology and knowledge generation have put an increased pressure on the education of research literate nurses Nursing students must receive the necessary foundational skill preparation in their professional education to competently link research literacy to their everyday practice. Critical thinking, searching, appraisal communication, and application skills are central competencies of the research literate nurse. Achieving these competencies is a complex and collaborative activity that is constantly evolving

    As technology advances, it is important for nurse educators to understand how to guide students in the critical appraisal of research finding. Nursing educators must demonstrate research literacy in every course in which they teach. Finally. there is a current need for scholarship on research literacy for nursing practice and education, particularly in relation to the essential components of research literacy, effective teaching approaches, and evaluation strategies.

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