Nursing Education and Honor Program In Curriculum

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 Honor Program In Nursing Educational Program

Nursing Education and Honor Program In Curriculum

What Is Honors Program,Impact of Honors Program In Nursing,Honor Program In Nursing Graduation,Outcomes of Honors Program In Nursing Education.

What Is Honors Program

    An honors program is an academic program or curriculum designed to provide a qualitatively different educational experience and learning environment for exceptional students (National Collegiate Honors Council INCHC), 2014). The first honors program in higher education began in 1922, based on the principles of student freedom and choice, more focused topics, and the use of discussion-based courses as opposed to traditional lectures (Oleson, 1988). The first mention of a nursing honors program in the literature was in 1964 (Stanley, 1964). Early reports included nursing honors programs based on an undergraduate research model.

Impact of Honors Program In Nursing

    The primary aim of an honors program is to recruit and retain students of high scholastic intellectual aptitude, to nurture their specific needs, and to raise the academic profile of the institution. Some enduring themes in promoting a nursing honors program are to attract high-achieving, gifted students who may not have considered nursing as a profession of study (Hartshorn, Berbiglia , & Heye, 1997); to provide a fertile ground to cultivate future nursing leaders in research and clinical practice (Buckner, 2008; Reutter et al., 2010; Schumann & McNeill, 2008; Stanford & Shattell, 2010 ) ; and to usher exceptional students toward pursuing advanced degrees in nursing practice, research, and education (Gillis, 2003, Williams & Snider, 1992).

Honor Program In Nursing Graduation

    Nursing honors is an example of departmental honors, or honors in the major, culminating in recognition at graduation with honors in nursing. Departmental honors complement a university honors program, providing opportunities for honors thesis development (Buckner, 2004).The targeted student population for a nursing honors program is defined by a clear set of admission criteria, which typically includes grade point averages (GPAs), scholastic achievement test scores, written essays, and/or satisfactory completion or progress in other coursework (NCHC, 2014). 

    On entry, whether as a pre nursing student or student entering the nursing program, honors students should receive specific honors related academic advising from qualified faculty throughout the duration of the program (NCHC, 2014).In addition to seminars and/or other experiential learning courses, honors programs in nursing have traditionally emphasized research projects as a major learning outcome. 

    Several research models have been used to guide honors projects, including undergraduate research (Buckner, 2004): fellowship programs (Vessey & DeMarco, 2008); independent study (Stanford & Shattell , 2010), and research assistantships/apprenticeships (Reutter et al. 2010). Despite the prior focus on research intensive experiences, learning outcomes may be achieved through other student led projects and activities, such as service-learning projects, study abroad experiences, new course development, and quality improvement projects (Buckner & Holcomb, 2013; Ross & Buckner, 2009). 

    Student projects and research have been presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International; the annual conference of the NCHC; and others. Buckner (2004) related student development during the dissemination process to the highest levels in the affective domain, organization, and characterization of the values of the profession (Buckner, 2004).

    Challenges and opportunities in nursing honors programs can be categorized into system, faculty, and student factors. When developing and implementing an honors program, it is imperative to have committed administrators who understand the resources and faculty commitment that are needed for the sustainability and longevity of the program (Oleson, 1988). Faculty over-seeing and teaching in honors programs must not only be qualified, but should also have their participation in program activities counted in their workload. In addition, students may have concerns regarding the workload and its impact on their GPA (Hartshorn et al, 1997).

Outcomes of Honors Program In Nursing Education

    To be able to attract exceptional students into an honors program in nursing, the school or college must have a clear mission and vision regarding what the program wishes to achieve. Curriculum elements integrate the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) with active and experiential learning comprising the core of the honors program. The faculty will assume various roles as facilitators, coaches, preceptors, mentors. supporters, and role models. However, it is the student's unique talent and interest that should drive the process.

    Despite honors programs being considered an excellent testing ground for piloting educational innovations (Duckett, Brand, & Fairbanks, 1990), there is scanned research on the systematic evaluation of honors programs. Williams and Snider (1992) conducted a comparative analysis of the long-term impact among graduates in honors programs compared to non-honors program counterparts with 4 to 6 years postgraduation. Enrollment in advanced nursing programs was the strongest outcome indicator of being an honors program participant. Similar educational research and outcomes studies are needed to gain greater insight into the merits of honors programs in pre-licensure nursing education.

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