Nursing Education By Podcasting

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Podcasting and Nursing Educational Learning 

Nursing Education By Podcasting

 What Is Pod Casting Podcasting and its Initiation, Podcasting and Reaction of Students and Faculty, Scope of Podcasting In Coming Days, Podcast as a Facility For Nursing Faculty.

What Is Pod Casting Podcasting and its Initiation

    Podcasting is defined as the preparation and distribution of digital media containing audio and/or video files. These files are then downloaded to a desktop, laptop, mobile device, or MP3 player (Abate, 2013; Billings & Halstead, 2011; Skiba, 2006). Podcasting was first mentioned in the media in 2004 (Skiba, 2006). Podcasting is derived from the combination of broadcast and the iPod. It is now considered pedagogy and is widely used in nursing and higher education as a component of mobile learning (m-learning), which is viewed as effective, flexible, and innovative. Podcast lectures are distributed to students through iTunes University, known as iTunes U.

Podcasting and Reaction of Students and Faculty

    Podcasting is a part of m-learning and is widely accepted and used by students and nurses as part of multitasking, listening and reading (Schlairet, 2010). Podcasting has been identified as one of the fastest growing technologies in nursing education. Delaney, Pennington, and Blankenship (2010) suggest that current podcast usage is driven by teaching, marketing, service, and technology. In nursing education, podcast use is driven by teaching. The potential of technology to contribute to the improvement in the quality of teaching is what drives the use of podcasting in teaching.

    Podcasting supports adult learning theory and student self direction by allowing them to listen to podcast content at their own pace. The use of podcast lectures pre-recorded and assigned to students prior to class allows time for in-class discussion and small group work on case studies applying the content (Billings & Halstead, 2011).As technology integration has become commonplace, podcasting use has increased. The podcast of live classes assists students in understanding class content by allowing asynchronous review of class material (Billings & Halstead, 2011; Schlairet, 2010).

     Podcasting allows absent students to listen to the asynchronous podcast to meet the course objectives and be responsible for course con - tent. Furthermore, asynchronous podcasting can be used to provide lecture content when faculty has to cancel class. Many learning management systems (LMS) used in academia have podcasting capabilities built into the system, allowing faculty members to link podcasts to the online class site. One popular form of pod-casting is to capture live classes. 

    An easy way for faculty members to capture lectures for podcasting is with portable flash-memory audio recorders that record directly in the MP3 format. These recordings can be uploaded within minutes of the class to the college server into iTunes U Faculty members should always identify the date of the class and the topic of the podcast (Billings & Halstead, 2011). 

  Podcasting supplementary materials are another strategy to enhance learning Supplementary materials allow students. to be engaged and explore topics in greater depth and extend their learning beyond the classroom. Ideas for podcasting include addressing the most common questions from the week, guest lecturers, review of top topics, and creating materials prior to class to allow better preparation (Indiana University, Center for Teaching and Learning, n.d.) A podcast can also allow faculty to deliver quality lecture content and then use face-to-face class time for active learning activities.

Scope of Podcasting In Coming Days

    Podcasting continues to be an emerging technology (Magg, 2006). It is widely used in nursing and higher education, and accepted by students of the millennial generation who learn via podcasts and other media technology (Abate, 2013). Effective use of podcasting includes quality content that enhances classroom lecture, brief and engaging topics, and material congruent with course objectives. Supplemental podcasting appears to serve as a valuable resource for students who can review content, take notes, and clarify misconceptions. 

    The supplemental material serves as a foundation for students to apply the content in clinical and classroom activities to enhance critical thinking. Advantages of podcasting include making content available for additional student review to increase the understanding of difficult concepts and additional note taking (Delaney et al., 2010). Schlairet (2010) reported that students who listen to podcasts and take notes performed higher on examinations than students who do not.

    The disadvantage of podcasting a class period is that students may choose not to attend class because the podcast is available (Abate, 2013). It has been suggested that educators introduce additional strategies such as interactive class elements or pop-quizzes to discourage nonattendance (Schlairet, 2010).

 Podcast as a Facility For Nursing Faculty

    Educators can use the podcasted recorded lectures to promote student engagement (Long & Edwards, 2010). Faculty members can record nursing skills for students to review in clinical or in the laboratory skills prior to performing procedures. A podcast should be limited to 10 to 15 minutes in order to reinforce course objectives and enhance content. Faculty can suggest to students that they take notes while listening to the podcast in order to enhance learning Additional research studies are needed to measure effects of podcasting on student achievement.

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