Nursing Education for Handled Technology

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Handled Technology and Nursing Education

Nursing Education for Handled Technology

 What Is Handheld Technology,Implementation of Handled Technology In Nursing Education,Contribution of Handled Technology,Recommendations for Handled Technology.

What Is Handheld Technology

    Handheld technology refers to a device that is highly portable and small enough to be held and operated in one's hand or hands. Most commonly, this term is used interchangeably with the term's mobile device or handheld computer and is generally pocket sized with a display screen and an input output interface. Usually, these are multi functional, integrated devices that have operating systems that run programs; can browse the Internet; capture, manipulate, and display data; and so on. Frequently, these functionalities are integrated with mobile phones and are referred to as smartphones.

 Implementation of Handled Technology In Nursing Education

    In 1994, the Psion I was introduced as the world's first handheld computer. It was about the size of a pack of cigarettes and had limited functionality. While it was a very simple personal organizer, it became a catalyst for rapid innovation leading to the landmark launching of the Palm Pilot™ in 1996. The Palm Pilot was a totally new handheld device that used a data entry system by means of a stylus and specialized hand writing software. This device transformed handheld technology. Palm's open-source platform encouraged independent development of third-party addons and software. 

    The underlying premise was that the more accessories and applications, the greater the versatility and hence greater demand for the devices. Since those early days, the field has become highly competitive with more and more powerful devices with greater functionalities becoming widely available.Consequently, handheld technology has established a strong foothold in contemporary society. The use of these devices transcends age, class, gender, nationality, race, and ethnicity barriers. 

    Handheld technology is replacing bulky desktop computers, land-line telephones, and other "hard wired" and "fixed" technologies, and has stimulated an astounding shift from the wired to the wireless world that would not have been possible without the introduction of handheld devices. The benefits of handheld technology include: 

(a) "Complete office functionalities" in a mobile environment so that individuals are not bound to their desks in order to be productive and connected

(b) convenience

(c) greater connection and access to information

(d) enhanced and immediate. communication capabilities via phone, instant messaging, email, and so on

(e) global positioning

(f) remote sensing and data collection, and much more.

    For health care providers, handheld technology offers the ability to store, organize, process, and permit instant retrieval of information swiftly and easily at the point of care/point of need. It is because of this capability that handhelds have emerged as useful and often indispensable tools to support professional practice as essential as the stethoscope. 

    These small computers can store clinical reference books and tools, permit input and management of clinical databases, and access web-based clinical resources, thus making information more easily accessible while delivering care in any setting, including the bedside (Doran et al., 2007 ; Mickan, Tilson, Atherton, Roberts, & Heneghan, 2013; Ruland, 2002). In addition, these devices offer the health care provider a means to access “just enough information, just in time,” a clear benefit at the point of care (Cornelius, Haslam, & Dreher, 2009). 

    Contemporary health professionals are using handheld technology to improve accuracy, save time. streamline workflow, improve patient safety, and improve patient outcomes as well as "facilitate the transformation of documentation of assessments, interventions, and out-comes into evidence-based decision-making resources" (Hardwick, Pulido, & Adelson, 2007, p. 251).

Contribution of Handled Technology

    Handheld technology has made notable contributions to nursing education by providing opportunities to expand the scope and functionality of inquiry activities, as well as by creating unique educational opportunities (Slotta & Aleahmad , 2002). Evolving handheld technology allows for a more integrative approach to teaching nursing, spanning beyond the classroom and providing opportunities to support learning outside of the classroom (Suplee, Cornelius, & Gallagher Gordon, 2009). The use of handheld technology fits well with the use of constructivist and situated learning approaches. 

    The constructive approach uses previously acquired knowledge as the foundation on which to scaffold new learning. This approach is strengthened by the integration of handheld technology as it permits learning to take place "on the go." The situated learning approach would utilize handheld technology to support social interaction and collaborative learning, and would permit incorporation of authentic tasks and activities for students in the process of knowledge creation. The role of the nurse educator is to help students construct knowledge via "real life problem solving including ill structured goals and opportunity for the detection of relevant versus irrelevant information" (Young, 2002, p. 2). 

    Handheld technology supports this endeavor. As a student learning tool, handheld technology can enrich nursing education, provide the foundation for lifelong practice, and have far reaching impact on patient care (Cornelius et al, 2009; Koeniger Donohue, 2008; Krauskopf & Farrell, 2011).Accrediting agencies and organizations endorse nursing students' acquiring skills in technology, information management, and information literacy. 

    The National League of Nursing (NLN), American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), and the National Organization for Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) have identified these skills as essential competencies at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral level Nursing , curricula should be designed to integrate technology in order to promote life-long learning and prepare students for their future roles in the profession. It is imperative that nurse educators strive to improve the preparation of nurses at all levels with the goal of developing proficiency so they will flourish in a technology-driven health care industry (Suplee et al, 2009).

Recommendations for Handled Technology

    Strategies to incorporate handheld technology into authentic learning activities include:

1. Identifying desired resources and tools that can support achievement of established learning objectives.

2. Constructing structured learning activities that are relevant and meaningfully linked with the specialty content being taught.

3. Designing activities to model realistic point-of-care/point-of-need information access one might experience in an actual clinical setting

a. Basic information seeking, such as pharmacology challenges, are utilized.

b. Case studies can be more complex, requiring triangulation of information resources.

c. Simulations provide a more realistic experience by creating a "live" experience using simulation manikins. 

    Given the dynamic nature of the classroom and clinical learning environments, faculty can rely on handheld technology as a tool that supports development of student competencies by making the most of "teachable moments." Leveraging handheld technology in nursing education will enhance and promote lifelong learning. It is essential that nursing programs provide students with the essential skills and competencies that will prepare them to function effectively in a "high-tech" health care environment. "The pace of innovation in healthcare will only accelerate; therefore, it is imperative that both faculty and students develop a level of comfort and openness to future technological advances. Doing so will not only help us improve our practice, but will ultimately improve patient outcomes " (Suplee et al. 2009, p. 4).

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