Purposes of CAHPS and CAHPS and QSEN Development

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Development of QSEN and Purposes of CHAPS and CAHPS

Purposes of CAHPS and CAHPS and QSEN Development

Purposes of CHAPS and CAHPS,Development of Quality and Safety Education in Nursing,Components of QSEN Phase I.

Purposes of CHAPS and CAHPS

    With the national concern about lack of good information on the quality of care, the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) program was established as a multi year initiative in 1995 by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The CAHPS national survey mandates that healthcare organizations regularly collect data on consumer involvement in healthcare decision making. In 2005, the Hospital CAHPS (HCAHPS) was developed that is specifically designed for use by hospitals (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2016). 

    The purpose of the CAHPS and HCAHPS is to increase consumer engagement in healthcare decision making and to measure health outcomes. Also, many studies have focused on how effectively outcomes have been achieved in healthcare organizations by exploring the links between patient experiences and health outcomes as well as the extent to which actionable information has facilitated organizational change (Doyle et al., 2013; Manary , Boulding, Staelin , & Glickman, 2013).

Development of Quality and Safety Education in Nursing

    In 2005, the RWJF funded a national study, the Quality and Safety Education in Nursing (QSEN) project, to educate nursing students on patient safety and healthcare quality. The goal of this three phase study was to address the challenges in preparing nursing students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve the safety and quality of healthcare delivery (QSEN, 2012). 

Components of QSEN Phase I

    During the first phase, 17 national leaders in nursing education were asked to outline     the necessary competencies that should be mastered by prelicensure nursing students. Six competencies were developed in phase I (QSEN, 2012):

1. Patient-centered care: The patient has control of and is a full partner in the provision of holistic, compassionate, and comprehensive care based on the patient's values, needs, and preferences.

2. Teamwork and collaboration: Nurses and other health professionals must collaborate effectively with open communication, respect, and mutual decision making to achieve high-quality care.

3. Evidence-based practice: Current evidence must be integrated to support clinical expertise in providing optimal health care.

4. Quality improvement: Measure data and monitor patient outcomes to develop changes in methods to continuously improve the quality and safety in healthcare delivery.

5.Informatics: Use information technology to effectively communicate, manage knowledge, eliminate error, and support collaborative decision making.

6. Safety: Minimize the risk of harm to patients and healthcare providers through self  and system evaluation.

    In 2007, the RWJF funded phase II of the QSEN project, which included launching a website dedicated to teaching strategies and resources. A second goal of this phase was to collaborate with organizations that represent advanced practice nurses in developing competencies for graduate education. Also, 15 schools served as pilot sites committed to a curriculum review that included the QSEN competencies.

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