Scenario Creation and Simulator Use In Nursing Education

Nurses Educator 2

Effectiveness of Scenario Creation and Simulator Use

Scenario Creation and Simulator Use In Nursing Education

What Is Scenario Creation In Nursing Education,Role of Educator In Simulator Training,Effective Use of Simulator In Nursing Education,Health Complexity and Use of Simulator Training.

What Is Scenario Creation In Nursing Education

    Scenario creation is the process of designing, testing, implementing, and evaluating course lessons that can be taught by using creative teaching strategies. Scenarios for use in simulation mimic the reality of a clinical environment and are designed to demonstrate procedures, decision making, and critical thinking through techniques such as role playing, case studies, and the use of interactive videos or mannequins (Jefferies, 2005).

Role of Educator In Simulator Training 

    The National League for Nursing designed a framework to assist nursing educators in scenario creation. This model guides the educa for based on the findings obtained from an empirically supported tool. The components found in this model are based on the concepts of information, problem solving, student support, fidelity, and debriefing (Billings & Halstead, 2011).The first step in this model is to outline the objectives. The objectives should relate to problem solving skills needed to provide care, and be appropriate to the level of student. 

    The focus of the simulation should be based on problems students typically encounter in clinical practice.When planning the time schedule, one should plan not only the time limit for the scenario, but the debriefing period that follows the simulation. When a specific period of time has been identified for the scenario, the educator needs to end the scenario on time. The educator should be aware that each student or group of students will perform at different paces and levels; Therefore, scenarios should be designed to challenge the skills and cognitive stages of the different learners.

     Scenario creation includes the assignment of roles for students to assume during the simulation. The roles of nurse, physician, other health care professionals, and family members are a few of the roles that may be assigned to the scenario. Assigning roles during a scenario allows students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of group process. The students gain experience in group process and development of therapeutic communication skills (Clapper, 2010). 

    Reflection questions need to be designed for use during the debriefing period that follows completion of the scenario. These reflection questions provide the students with guided opportunities to think back on the situation in which they participated. The debriefing period at the end of the scenario is crucial as it allows time for the learner to evaluate the session under the guidance of an instructor.

Effective Use of Simulator In Nursing Education

    The use of scenarios in nursing education offers the opportunity for students to be actively involved in an experience shared by all of the students in the group (Fustard, 2001).A well designed scenario using simulation can reach all types of learners because it encompasses the cognitive, psycho-motor, and effective domains of learning. The visual learner would have the opportunity to observe the skills, the auditory learner would learn from listening to the class talk about the simulation experience, and the kinesthetic learner could benefit from the hands on use of equipment and demonstration (Billings & Halstead, 2011 ). 

    Therefore, scenario creation promoting active learning and using real life clinical situations with varied learning experiences are critical for creation of scenarios.Students are continually engaged in the learning process through interactive learning and faculty can encourage students to make connections between key concepts (Jefferies, 2005). Scenarios should be based on evidence-based references, as well as quality and safety patient care standards that drive nursing practice. It has also been suggested that scenarios be validated through peer review and pilot testing and reviewed annually for currency (Waxman, 2010).

Health Complexity and Use of Simulator Training

    Health care is becoming more complex due to all of the advances in science and technology. The nurse of today must be able to critically think in this increasingly complex environment education techniques using scenarios based on realistic, complex situations provide an efficient way to structure learning activities needed to practice. Nurses in practice and in academia need to work together to create suitable scenarios to meet the changing health care needs. 

    Research studies comparing student learning outcomes between traditional clinical models and simulation with tailored scenarios need to be explored. Faculty development should be aimed at providing the knowledge and skills required to create interesting real life scenarios that match the learning objectives of the student.

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