Benefits Goals and Outcomes of Patient Nurse Education

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  Patient Nurse Staff/Student Education

Benefits Goals and Outcomes of Patient Nurse Education

Role of Nurse in Patient and Care Taker Education,Patient Education and Health Outcomes in Self Care,Why Education of Care Taker is Needed,Effectiveness in Nursing Care and Nursing Education,Need of Patient Nurse Education.

Need of Patient Nurse Education

    Purposes, Goals, and Benefits of Patient and Nursing Staff/Student Education The purpose of patient education is to increase the competence and confidence of clients for self management. The primary goal is to increase the responsibility and independence of clients for self care. This can be achieved by supporting patients through the transition from being dependent on others to being self sustaining in managing their own care and from being passive listeners to active learners. 

Effectiveness in Nursing Care and Nursing Education

    An interactive, partnership education approach provides clients with opportunities to explore and expand their self care abilities (Cipriano, 2007).The single most important action of nurses as educators is to prepare patients for self care. If patients cannot independently maintain or improve their health status when on their own. nurses have failed to help them reach their potential (Glanville, 2000). The benefits of dental education are many (Abbott, 1998; Adams, 2010, Dreeben, 2010; Liberate Health. 2014; Wingard, 2005). 

For example, effective teaching by the nurse can do the following:

    Increase consumer satisfaction Improve quality of life Ensure continuity of care Decrease patient anxiety Effectively reduce the complications of illness and the incidence of disease

    Promote adherence to treatment plans Maximize independence in the performance of activities of daily living Energize and empower consumers to become actively involved in the planning of their care planning of their care.

Why Education of Care Taker is Needed

    Because patients must handle many health needs and problems at home, people must be educated on how to care for themselves-that is, both to get well and to stay well. Illness is a natural life process, but so is humankind's ability to learn. Along with the ability to learn comes a natural curiosity that allows people to see new and difficult situations as challenges rather than as defeats. As Orr (1990) observes, "Illness can become an educational opportunity a 'teachable moment' when ill health suddenly encourages [patients] to take a more active role in their care" (p. 47). 

Patient Education and Health Outcomes in Self Care

    This observation remains relevant today.Numerous studies have documented the fact that informed clients are more likely to comply with medical treatment plans, more likely to find innovative ways to cope with illness, and less likely to experience complications. Overall, clients are more satisfied with care when they receive adequate information about how to manage for themselves. One of the most frequently cited complaints by patients in litigation cases is that they were not adequately informed (Reising, 2007). 

    Just as the need exists for teaching patients to become participants and informed consumers to achieve independence in self care, so the need also exists for staff nurses to be exposed to up-to-date information with the ultimate goal of enhancing their practice. The purpose of staff and student education is to increase the competence and confidence of nurses to function independently in providing care to the consumer. The goal of education efforts is to improve the quality of care delivered by nurses. 

Role of Nurse in Patient and Care Taker Education

    Nurses play a key role in improving the nation's health, and lifelong learning is essential to keep their knowledge and skills current (DeSilets, 1995; Kelliher. 2013; Witt, 2011).In turn, the benefits to nurses in their role as educators include increased job satisfaction when they recognize that their teaching actions have the potential to forge therapeutic relationships with clients, enhanced patient nurse autonomy, increased accountability in practice, and the opportunity to create change that really makes a difference in the lives of others (Witt, 2011).

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