Passing Licensing Criteria In Nursing Education

Nurses Educator 2

 Preparation for License Exam and Role of  Educator

Passing Licensing Criteria In Nursing Education

Roe of Educators to Prepare for Licensing Criteria,Environmental Setting for Effective Preparation,Transition From Teacher to Educator In Nursing.

Roe of Educators to Prepare for Licensing Criteria

    Although all nurses are expected to teach as part of their licensing criteria, many lack formal preparation in the principles of teaching and learning (Donner et al., 2005). Obviously, a nurse needs a great deal of knowledge and skill to carry out the role of educator with efficiency and effectiveness.Although all nurses have always functioned as givers of information, they must now assume a new role by acquiring the skills as a facilitator of the learning process (Kelliher, 2013; Musinski, 1999).Consider the following questions:

  • Is every nurse adequately prepared to assess for learning needs, readiness to learn, and learning styles?
  • Can every nurse determine whether the information given is actually received and understood? Are all nurses capable of taking appropriate action to revise the approach to educating the patient if the patient does not understand the information provided through the initial approach?
  • Do nurses realize that they need to transition their role as educator from being a content transmitter to being a process manager, from controlling the learner to releasing the learner, and from being a teacher to becoming a facilitator?

 Environmental Setting for Effective Preparation

    A growing body of evidence suggests that effective education and learner participation go hand in hand (Kelliher, 2013). As a facilitator, the nurse should create an environment conducive to learning that motivates individuals to want to learn and makes it possible for them to learn (Musinski, 1999; Sykes, Durham, & Kingston, 2013). 

    Both the educator and the learner should participate in the assessment of learning needs, the design of a teaching plan, the implementation of teaching methods and instructional materials, and the evaluation of teaching and learning. Thus, the emphasis should be on the facilitation of learning from a non directive rather than a didactic teaching approach (Donner et al., 2005; Knowles, Holton, & Swanson, 1998; Mangena & Chabeli, 2005; Musinski, 1999).

Transition From Teacher to Educator In Nursing

    No longer should teachers see themselves as simply transmitters of content. Indeed, the role of the educator has shifted from the traditional position of giver of information to that of a process designer and coordinator. This role alteration from the traditional teacher-centered perspective to a learner centered approach is a paradigm shift that requires educators to possess skill in needs assessment as well as the ability to involve learners in planning, link learners to learning resources, and encourage learner initiative (Kelliher, 2013; Knowles et al., 1998; Mangena & Chabeli, 2005).

    Instead of the teacher teaching, the new educational paradigm focuses on the learner learning. That is, the teacher becomes the guide on the side, assisting the learner in his or her effort to determine objectives and goals for learning. with both parties being active partners in decision making throughout the learning process. 

    To increase comprehension, recall, and application of information, clients must be actively involved in the learning experience (Adams, 2010; Kessels , 2003, London, 1995; Smith, Saunders, Stuckhardt , & McGinnis, 2013). Glanville (2000) describes this move toward assisting learners to use their own abilities and resources as “a pivotal transfer of power” (p. 58).

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