Why Cultural Ethnicity Study is Necessary for Effective Nursing Education

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 Necessity of Cultural Ethnicity for Effective Nursing Education

Why Cultural Ethnicity Study is Necessary for Effective Nursing Education

Quality of Care and Preparation of Nursing Educator,Gender Difference and Neurological Evidences ,Diversity In Educational Strategies In Nursing Education With Different Cultures,Socio-Economical Effects on Health Education,Future Researches on Health Educational for Cultural Diversity.

Quality of Care and Preparation of Nursing Educator

    It is essential that nurses base their practice on evidence from empirical studies and expert opinion so that they can deliver the highest quality, most scientifically sound care to clients. Such evidence also is important as a basis for the educational preparation of staff nurses and future members of the nursing profession to give them the most up-to-date knowledge and skills needed to function competently and confidently in today's healthcare environment.

Gender Difference and Neurological Evidences 

    With respect to gender attributes of the learner, it is evident that efforts to understand how the human brain works and the differences among the sexes in how they think, feel, and respond are still in their infancy. Neuroscience is just beginning to unravel the mysteries and discover the differences and similarities in the way male and female brains are wired. In the last 10 to 15 years, there has been an upsurge of interest and fascination with the discoveries in the field of neuro-biology. 

    New brain imaging instruments are beginning to reveal which individual portions of the brain are responsible for cognition, emotions, and tasks, but even more important are revelations about how the different parts of the brain operate or interact in concert with one another.

    Brain research is an exciting, largely uncharted field, and some of the research findings presented to date have been conflicting or inconclusive. Therefore, the challenge is to in corporate what is currently known to refine our approaches to teaching and learning but not to be too quick in jumping to assumptions or generalizations in the application of preliminary research findings before the evidence is conclusive.

Diversity In Educational Strategies In Nursing Education With Different Cultures

    Recent years have also witnessed a growing acceptance and subsequent interest in the LGBTQ population. The body of knowledge on the characteristics, healthcare needs, and effectiveness of various strategies and interventions that can be used when working with this cultural group has increased significantly over the past 5 to 10 years. As more clients have begun openly sharing their sexual orientation and gender identity with their healthcare providers, it is critical that the nurse be prepared to deliver culturally competent care to this group of people.

Socio-Economical Effects on Health Education

    Further research into the impact of socio-economics on health outcomes also needs to be conducted. For example, scant information is currently available about IQ and socio-economics in relation to health status and health inequalities. 

    Research also has shown that although cognitive abilities are related to health, the associations between tween socioeconomic environment, social position, educational attainment, and employment status on the health inequalities in morbidity and mortality are still not altogether clear. 

    Much more research needs to be done to understand the impact of socioeconomic position in relation to the ability, preference, and motivation for learning Nursing research priorities regarding the influence of cultural diversity on the health of individuals and groups must be identified and defined. 

    Knowledge gaps remain despite the increase in the number of new studies being conducted in this area. For example, the increasingly more multicultural nature of US society requires that nurses understand the impact of ethnic beliefs on the epidemiology of various diseases, on the effectiveness of health promotion efforts, on illness prevention measures, and on health maintenance and rehabilitation interventions.

Future Researches on Health Educational for Cultural Diversity

    Moreover, research is just in its initial stages in developing instruments that might give insight into the cultural effects of clients' perspectives on health and responses to illness. More exploration is needed in creating as well as adopting reliable and valid instruments to measure health beliefs, attitudes, customs, and patterns of behavior in males and females of different ethnic backgrounds. Clearly, health providers lack substantial evidence on how the context of culture affects health and illness.

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