Teaching Methods and Settings In Nursing Education

Nurses Educator 2

Settings and Teaching Methods In Nursing Education

Teaching Methods and Settings In Nursing Education

Whats are Teaching Methods and Settings,Teaching Methods In Nursing Education.

Whats are Teaching Methods and Settings

    After an excellent learning experience, someone might comment, “Now, there is a born teacher!” This statement would seem to indicate that effective teaching comes naturally. Actually, being able to teach well is a learned skill. Developing this skill requires understanding the educational process, including which teaching methods to use under what circumstances. 

    Determining the most appropriate teaching methods depends on a variety of differences: the age and developmental level of the learners; what the learners already know and what they need to know to succeed; the subject-matter content; the objectives for learning; the available people, time, space, and material resources; and the physical setting. 

    Stimulating and effective teaching-learning experiences are designed, not accidental or automatic, and involve the use of one or several methods of teaching to achieve the desired learning outcomes (Rothwell, Benscoter, King, & King, 2016; Rothwell & Kazanas, 2008) .

    A teaching method is the way information is taught that brings the learner into contact with what is to be learned. Examples of such methods include lecture, group discussion, one-to-one instruction, demonstration and return demonstration, gaming, simulation, role play, role model, and self-instruction modules. 

    As the use of technology evolves, these teaching methods also are being offered as blended opportunities by integrating online and hybrid learning strategies (Cook et al., 2008; Johnson, Adams, & Cummins, 2012). See Chapter 13 for more information on technology in education.

    Instructional materials or tools, in contrast, are the objects or vehicles used to transmit information that supplement the act of teaching. An audience response system (ARS), books, printed handouts, videos, podcasts, and posters are examples of materials and tools that serve as adjuncts to communicate information by complementing the teaching method. 

    It is important at this point to draw a distinction between the terms teaching methods and instructional materials. Although they are often treated as being the same thing, they are very distinct and separate.

    This chapter focuses on the types of teaching methods available and considers how to choose and use them most efficiently and effectively. In doing so, the advantages and limitations of each method, the variables influencing the selection of various methods, and the approaches for evaluating the methods are identified to improve the delivery of instruction. 

    In all types of situations and settings, nurses are expected to teach a variety of audiences. Therefore, throughout this chapter, examples are provided about how to apply the various methods to enhance teaching and learning experiences. Settings in which the nurse educator functions are also highlighted.

Teaching Methods In Nursing Education

    There is no one perfect method for teaching all learners in all settings. Also, no one method is necessarily more effective for changing behavior in any of the three learning domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor). Whatever the method chosen, people learn best when it is used in conjunction with another method or with one or more of the instructional materials available to accompany the teaching approach (Friedman, Cosby, Boyko, Hatton-Bauer, & Turnbull, 2011).

    The importance of selecting appropriate teaching methods to meet the needs of learners should not be underestimated. The popular Chinese proverb “Tell me; I forget. Show me; I remember. Involve me; I understand” (author unknown) clearly implies that information ds. Using methods of instruction that actively involve learners improves the amount of information they retain and their ability to think critically and, thus, positively affects their learning outcomes (Ridley, 2007; Tedesco-Schneck, 2013).

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