Nursing Education To Assist With Event Management In Health Care

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Event Management In Health Care and Nursing Education To Assist

Nursing Education To Assist With Event Management In Health Care

Education of Gynae Patient Assist With Event Management,Pre and Post Surgery Procedure and Event Management In Nursing,At Risk Old Age Patient and event Management Education of Patient,Patient Education for Event Management and Lack of Resources.

Education of Gynae Patient Assist With Event Management

    Patient education associated with event management is common. Although there are few new approaches to this area of patient education, a cluster of studies document new health areas where education for event management should be routine and new, frequently theory based, ways to meet goals.

    Three studies of educational needs not routinely being met in all cases within women's health. Women who during the second stage of labor had an operational delivery felt unprepared for this event. 

    Many expressed difficulties fully understanding why they'd needed an operative delivery and suggested that either they or the baby had failed to achieve a normal delivery, short comings in the postnatal review were not expressed immediately but emerged after discharge (Murphy, Pope, Frost, & Darling, 2003).

    A second example occurred with women whose confirmed pregnancies ended in miscarriage. Again, these women had poor recall and understanding of the event, needed and de sired formal follow-up plans, and suffered from guilt and false assumptions, with significant anxiety symptoms (Wong, Crawford, Gask, & Grinyer. 2003). 

    A final example is need for education to control anxiety before an event. In women under-going cervical screening, 7% are diagnosed with an abnormality that requires follow up examination with a colposcope, a large magnifying glass with a light source that allows detailed examination of the cervix. 

    In the United Kingdom, many of these women had to wait for colposcopy and during this time were very distressed, assuming they had cancer because the physician did not explain dyskaryosis. PR colposcopy educational sessions were established to deal with fears about the procedure itself and fears of cervical cancer (Neale, Pitts, Dunn, Hughes, & Redman, 2003).

Pre and Post Surgery Procedure and Event Management In Nursing

    Education during the pre-procedure period was also used in Canadians waiting to undergo an elective coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). During this time the patient's functional and psychological status can deteriorate. 

    A randomized controlled trial of 8 weeks of twice-a-week individualized physical training in a supervised setting, education, and reinforcement, as well as monthly nurse-initiated phone calls to answer questions and provide reassurance were compared with usual care. Median length of hospital stay after the surgery for patients in the intervention group was 1 day shorter than for those in the control condition (Arthur, Daniels, McKelvie, Hirsh, & Rush, 2000).

    Preoperative preparation among first time cardiac surgery patients used social learning theory, introducing vicarious experience with former patients exemplifying the active lives they were leading. The former patients were trained in how to provide this intervention. 

    In this randomized controlled trial, patients receiving the experimental intervention had decreased anxiety, increased self efficacy, and more self reported activity of walking and climbing stairs than did patients in the usual care group (Parent & Fortin, 2000).

    The literature is filled with other examples of needs for patient education associated with critical events. Hupcey and Zimmerman (2000) found significant need to know among critically ill patients during the event information to help them grasp what was going on and a continual need to be oriented. 

    Once extubated or in stable condition, most patients wanted information about what happened during “the time I lost.” Critically ill patients should be provided with continual reassurance and reorientation and asked what information they need about the intensive care unit (ICU) experience, repeated as often as they need it. 

    The majority of patients undergoing first elective percutaneous coronary revascularization had unrealistic expectations about long term benefits and were not aware of potential risks such as arterial injury, stroke, myocardial infarction, and death (Holmboe, Fiellin, Cusanelli, Remetz, & Krumholz, 2000).

At Risk Old Age Patient and event Management Education of Patient

    Finally, older patients are at special risk of not understanding aftercare instructions. Those managing their pain at home after outpatient surgery consistently under treated it and dealt with it by remaining immobile, which of course set them up for complications, more than a third did not remember receiving instructions, many said they'd had written instructions but had not read them, and even those who recalled instructions did not follow them to manage the pain (Kemper, 2002). 

    And elderly postsurgical cancer patients transitioning from hospital to home had extensive information needs, ranging from concrete instructions about how to care for a surgical wound, to complex information about options for cancer treatment. In addition to instructions for self care, patients and families needed clarification of the illness experience (Hughes, Hodson, Muller, Robinson, & Mc Corkle, 2000). 

Patient Education for Event Management and Lack of Resources

    Patients and families have been expected to give care without adequate resources including educational preparation for these roles. A 1998 survey of more than a thousand informal caregivers found more than half who helped with an activity of daily living such as feeding, hatching, using the toilet, or lifting said that they received no formal instruction for how to perform these tasks. 

    Eighteen percent of caregivers who helped with medications reported that they received no instruction about how to do so, approximately 12% reported they were aware of a mistake they had made in the administration of a medication. One third reported receiving no instruction on changing dressings or bandages or on the use of equipment. 

    For years, we have conceptualized the caregiving experience as something that is inherently difficult and stressful, in part because of the lack of educational support for such roles. The Family Caregiver Support Act, implemented in 2001, may expand assistance for these individuals (Donelan et al., 2002).

    The needs of these patient groups should be expected. What is starting is that these recent studies should find so many of the needs unmet.

    To date, patient education has been seen as supportive to medical treatment and not as an independent function, with of the medical establishment. Most other cultural institutions, each of which has an educational component parallel to patient education, have successfully made this transition to client centeredness but continue to struggle with it.

    Viewed through this new set of lenses, patient education can be seen as a central component of an exciting set of developments that promise to redefine health care and better serve patients, with a clear potential for increased efficiencies.

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