Identification of Situation by Example as Strategy In Nursing Education

Nurses Educator 2

 Example as Strategy In Nursing Education for Identification of Situation

Identification of Situation by Example as Strategy In Nursing Education

Identification of Situation By Example In Nursing Education, Implementation of Situation Identification Strategy In Nursing Education.

Identification of Situation By Example In Nursing Education

Leadership Styles

    You’ve progressed in your career and have recently become nurse leader of a nurse run community health center You recently became aware of a problem with long waits in the clinic. Clients are complaining about waiting 1 hours for routine care and are starting to skip appointments. Realizing that the situation undermines the care the clinic provides, you begin to explore solutions.

    I then show slides illustrating different leadership styles and ask the students to identify them (see following). I also sell them that they’ll be expected to demonstrate their knowledge in future examination questions

Identify or Name that Leadership Style I

    You call a meeting with your staff. You appeal to their emotional side, reading them letters clients have written about their clinic expenences. The letters describe endless waits and sick children who go unattended You discuss the personal impact of these long waits and suggest several solutions. What style is this? 

Identify or Name that Leadership Style II

    You call a meeting with your staff You tell then the long waits are unacceptable. The clinic is coming up for grant renewal, and client satisfaction is an important parameter. You tell the staff they need to work faster, more efficiently, and with decreasing resources. You add that if conditions don’t improve, heads will roll What style is this? 

Identify or Name that Leadership Style III

    You call a meriting with your staff. You delineate the problem with long waits and ask the staff to solve it. Withholding any suggestions, you let the staff decide the best way to proceed You ask them to come up with strategies and report back at the next meeting What style is this!

Identify or Name that Leadership Style IV

    You call a meeting with your staff. Using a flipchart, you summarize the factors contributing to the long waits. You separate the staff into groups to find solutions to the most significant factors, working with you the groups will reconvene to discuss which solutions should be tried first. What style is this?

Implementation of Situation Identification Strategy In Nursing Education

    Bring In the Reinforcements and In class Applications are great ways to review material before an examination. 

    These strategies make good transitions to a different topic

    These short cases make students aware of the importance of the material and the potential examination information.

    Experienced nurses may respond well to this strategy as a way to open class and remind them of information they’ve taught her perhaps forgotten. 

    By applying basic concepts through a reinforcing strategy, you can ensure that everyone is “on the same page and ready to learn more advanced material.

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