Imagine and Remember & Twosies Strategies In Nursing Education

Afza.Malik GDA

Nursing Education and Imagine and Remember & Twosies Strategies

Imagine and Remember & Twosies Strategies In Nursing Education

 Imagine and Remember as a Strategy In Nursing Education, Implementation of Imagine and Remember Strategy In Nursing Education, Twosies and Pairing of Students Strategy In Nursing Education, Implementation of  Twosies Strategies In Nursing Education.

Imagine and Remember as a Strategy In Nursing Education

    Teaching empathy to new nurses can be a challenge. Asking students to Imagine living through an ordeal and wing personal imagery to describe the emotions evoked is a valuable way to enhance sensitivity. Krejci describes imagery as a means to let students develop mental models of learned material, and then practice it to master skills and acquire knowledge

    Remember When asks students to step back in time to remember a situation in their own lives similar to the one being discussed in class. Again, empathic understanding is the key lesson in this exercise, Preparation and Equipment There is little preparation for this exercise. Consider class content for which these strategies may be appropriate. You may want to create slides to formula the exercise and encourage students to see its value.

    In a class about children’s responses to surgery and hospitalization, I used an imagery exercise slide to help my students Imagine. We then discussed the developmental considerations of caring for paediatric clients, the fears children have in the clinical area, and the nurse’s role in helping children cope with these stressor. I applied Remember When in a course on adolescent health behaviour, asking students to think back to some of the struggles associated with the adolescent years.

    For many students, the illness, pain, and injury they witness in the clinical area are foreign to their personal experience. Imagine helps these students contemplate the impact such stressors would have on their personal lives in contrast, many students can draw on personal or familial events to develop or enhance empathy skills. 

    Remember When allows students to share these personal experiences in clan. For life skills classes. much as assertiveness, conflict resolution, or stress management. Remember When is a great way to uncover previous experiences and discuss how they were resolved. Coming up with alternative resolutions and discussing consequences will foster problem-solving skills.

Implementation of Imagine and Remember Strategy In Nursing Education

    Many people enter nursing because of personal experiences with health care or illness. Remember When provides a mechanism for catharsis and vicarious learning, you may need to guide this discussion if it gets off track or more detailed than class time will allows Imagine may be used as a personal role-play exercise. 

    Students build empathy by picturing what it would be like to experience any of the conditions discussed in conditions discussed in class. Some Imagine exercises may be so realistic that they stimulate significant emotional responses. Instructors need to assess classes and provide debriefing or personal attention as needed.

    Many athletes use Imagine or some other type of imagery to mentally accomplish a task, win a race, or reach a goal. Have your students Imagine changing a dressing. inserting a nasogastric tube, providing tracheostomy care, or administering an injection they may master these skills more easily. 

    Newer research is examining the value of Imagine for teaching psychomotor skills, approaches to care situations, and ways to handle unexpected circumstances.” Combine Imagine or Remember When with Write to Learn or Quick Writes to let students reflect on these exercises. 

    In both strategies, ask students to focus on the emotions evoked during the scenarios. Have the clam doucs these emotions and the role they play in fostering empathy. Ask the students to consider the client’s reactions to the nonempathic nurse.

    One creative colleague assigns freshmen students the fest Herry Porner novel, in which Harry arrives at his new school. The instructor asks the class to Imagine their new life as college students. How are their experiences similar to Harry’s? How are they different! What a great way to help new students examine their personal lives and emotions

    Construct an E-mail Exercise asking students to Remember When and discuss a time when they confronted a challenge or obstacle. Ask them to compare and contrast this event with the challenge a client faces when receiving a new medical diagnosis.

    Foster relationships by asking practicing nurses to Remember When they were students or novice nurses.

Twosies and Pairing of Students Strategy In Nursing Education

    In this strategy, students pair up to accomplish a task. This exercise may be very brief or more involved. Pain can stay together for a single exercise or throughout the sessions of even longer. The small size of the group helps students get comfortable with the exercise. This strategy is less elaborate than Think-Pair-Share. In Twosies, students simply pair up for the exercise and complete the task

    Preparation and Equipment Little preparation or equipment is needed. but ornament plan when to use Twosies and how to make it work in class.

    I have used this strategy in several ways. When discussing how nonverbal gestures and facial expressions affect communication. I ask the Twanie partners to say to each other. “T like your shirt,” twice. The first time they use positive nonverbal signals: a pleasant tone and expression convey sincerity. 

    The second time they frown and speak in a disdainful tone, their insincerity obvious. The students quickly get the importance of nonverbal communication and understand why a nurse must assess both verbal and nonverbal modes when “reading” a client. In addition, students are encouraged to consider their own non- verbal messages to which clients may be exposed. 

    In the same class the students showed each other expressions of happiness, anger, sadness, and fear, reinforcing the role of facial expressions in communication and client assessment. I used Twosies again in a class on pain assessment, emphasizing the need to evaluate facial grimacing as a nonverbal sign of pain.

    Students in my assessment class paired up and looked at each other’s shoes. I asked them to come up with 10 words to describe these shoes-old, new, dirty, clean, big, little, what color, and so on. I poinsed out that they’d just done an assessment. We disused the words they would use and the things they would look for when amusing clients, families, and communities. 

    Used this way. Twosies brings home the nature of assessment and the need for assessment skills in comprehensive care. Students realized the need to learn both the techniques and the terminology of assessment.

    Brain to a sets, games, and activities may be used in Twosie pairs. Here’s a game I participated in at a conference. It’s best done with students who are experienced travelers. You can use it as an icebreaker or as a Twesie to build rapport. Pairs work together to identify the following airport abbreviations. This is a stumper for even the most seasoned travelled. Answers follow, and some will surprise you

Implementation of  Twosies Strategies In Nursing Education

    Twosies is an excellent strategy to use in large classes where students don’t know each other or where group work may become too cumbersome.

  Twosie pairs can address any exercise, assignment, or question. Use tavern and children’s puzzles, Clinical Decision-making Exercises, and other creative strategies to develop Twosie activities.

   Twosie exercises are great ways to learn technical clinical information. Have pairs work on interpreting ECG strips, deciphering lab results, interpreting blood gas values, calculating medication dosages, troubleshooting equipment, answering complex questions, or wading through the Muddiest Part of class content.

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