The Right Thing to Do

Afza.Malik GDA

 Nursing Education and The Right Thing to Do Strategy for Legal and Ethical Issue

Legal and Ethical Issues and  The Right Thing to Do In Nursing Education

What are The Right Thing to Do In Nursing Education, Implementation of The Right Thing to Do as a Strategy In Nursing Education, Outcomes of Using The Right Thing Strategy In Nursing Education.

What are The Right Thing to Do In Nursing Education

    Right Thing to De is a particularly good way to introduce legal and ethical issues. This strategy helps so socialize beginning nurses and nursing students. Hypothetical cases, real issues, or potential dilemmas are presented in class. Students are then asked, “What is The Right Thing to Do

    Anticipate when legal and ethical issues will come into the foreground of class discussion. Make notations in your lecture notes to set time aside for these issues.

    Example of the Strategy or Work In a discussion about the rights ammoniated with participation in research, such as informed consent, justice, autonomy, and risks versus benefits, I presented several ethical questions to the students (see following). After reading each one I asked, “What is The Right Thing To Do?”

    Asking individual students this question encourages the entire class to stay involved in the process. Applying the question in different circumstances will simulate the development of both critical thinking and professional vaulting. I presented the following situations:

    You discover that a colleague has been taking supplies from the unit closet and taking them home for personal use. What is The Right Thing To Do

    A client is very worried that the will undergo the wrong surgical procedure. What is The Right Thing To Do?

    A colleague comes to work dressed un professionally. What is The Right Thing to Dot

    You are caring for a child in the hospital. Walking into the room, you find the child’s mother hitting the child repeatedly. What is The Right Thing to Do

    The wife of your client’s mammate asks you about the health status of your client. What is The Right Thing to Do?

    This strategy can promote discussion of some of the general knowledge aspects of nursing. Ask students to reflect on interventions from the common scenic viewpoint inherent in nursing care. Nursing instructors have been accused of stripping innate knowledge from people with common sense, then filling their brains with “nursing knowledge. At any level, this exercise helps instructors to capture the students’ common sense and encourage the students to think before acting

    A good example happened with a student I taught early in my educational career. The student had four children; I had none and was fresh out of my graduate program. One evening in clinical the student rushed toward me in a panic. A child she was taking care of had a temperature of 39.5 degrees Celsius.

    The student asked, “Judy, what do we do? in a panicked voice. 1 replied. “What would you do if you were home and one of your children had that body temperature?” In essence I was asking het, “What is The Right Thing to Dot” She answered that she would force the aids, take off excess blankets, give an antipyretic, and call the doctor. I responded. “That’s what we do here.” indicating that we used the same measures in the clinical area to address a fever.

    A component of nursing education is the license to use thinking skills and common sense in solving problems a. The Right Thing To Do provides that opportunity.

Implementation of The Right Thing to Do as a Strategy In Nursing Education

    Use a legal and ethical decision-making framework to expand the strategy. In class you can share this strategy with the students. Then provide students with legal or ethical case studies such as those that follow and then simply ask. “What is The Right Thing To Dot. 


    A 20-year-old male client reveals during a database completion that he has been a prostitute for 4 years and has engaged in homosexual and heterosexual relationships. He is admitted with signs of respiratory and Gl infections and is undergoing diagnostic procedures to pinpoint the origin of the infections. He asks you not to tell anyone and becomes angry and anxious over his divulging this information. 


    An 18-year-old female client was given general anaesthesia for the reduction and casting of fractures of her tibia and fibula. As she was waking up from anaesthesia, the nurse explained her care following discharge while her friend went to get the car for the trip home. The nurse charted “Client was instructed and discharged in a wheelchair with her friend” The client went home to bed took her pain medication, and fell asleep. 

    She awoke finding her foot swollen, cold, and blush. She attributed these signs and her increasing pain to the fall that caused the fractures. Three days later she was admitted to the hospital and required a below-the-knee amputation.


    A 76-year-old woman from a nursing home is admitted to an acute care facility in acute dehydration, The woman’s usual mentation is disorganized but alert. The dehydration has caused her to be disoriented and combative. Restraints are applied to maintain her safety and prevent her from pulling out her intravenous lines. 

    She is visited by her daughter who is very upset about the restraints. The daughter contends that her mother’s nursing home is a restraint- free environment and asks that the restraints be removed


    You are a supervising nursing assistant. At the beginning of your shift, you discover that one of the clients has been experiencing dizziness and complaining of light headedness. When you delegate tasks to the nursing assistant, you instruct, her to be cautious when helping the client to walk. 

    You encourage her to seek out help if needed. At 10 pm the nursing assistant comes to tell you that she found the client on the bathroom floor: She states that she left the client at the sink to brush her teeth while she saw to another client’s needs. The client is sitting on the bathroom floor holding her head when you arrive


    A 45-year-old man is a client in your community clinic. He has a known history of drug abuse and has been treated recently for a fractured femur: He arrives at the clinic complaining of continued pain The physician orders you to dispense a placebo medication, arguing that the client is addicted to the drugs and is not experiencing real pain. 


    You work in a family planning clinic. You are completing the database for a 16-year-old girl who believes she is pregnant. You find that she has one 3-year-old child and has had two abortion procedures since the birth of that child. Her pregnancy test is negative, but you find that she has been forced to have sexual relations with her older brother’s friends.

Outcomes of Using The Right Thing Strategy In Nursing Education

    Asking “What is The Right Thing to Do?” encourages students to use common sense and basic principles to reason through a situation.

    Bowles proposed a game entitled “Find the Error.” In this exercise, instructors provide statements with incorrect components. Students correct the statements using critical thinking skills. These statements are meant to challenge analytical skills rather than simple recall of facts.

    This strategy may be used to discuss any legal or ethical dilemma. including substance abuse, access to care, and much more.

    Thing to Do is a great way to spark conversation in the clinical area. Frequently students fed pulled between the priorities of clinical work, the tied of the client. and whatever conflicts their classes have taught them to anticipate. The mattery challenges students to consider several perspectives and come to some conclusion about what is and isn’t right.

    Clinical groups may discuss nursing practices different from the ones they’ve learned previously. This exercise helps them judge the merits and the rightness of unfamiliar practices

    Students have trouble accepting the fact that different methods can produce the same result. They want to learn the one right method and are frustrated by multiple perspectives. The Right Thing To Do emphasizes that many things can be done in more than one way.

    The strategy reminds nurses of their responsibility for ensuring the basic principles of asepsis, safety, and client respect. Any alternative method must adhere to these principles. The old adage “There’s more than one way to skin a cat reinforces the reality of multiple approaches in many nursing processes. A discussion of basic principles can go a long way toward allaying fears and clarifying procedures, and may generate research questions about clinical practice.

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