Health Education Research Courses for Faculty And Students

Afza.Malik GDA

Health Education for Nursing Faculty

Health Education Research Courses for  Faculty And Students

Research Faculty Perspectives of What Does Not Work, Perspectives of What Teachers Do to Help Them Learn, Students' Perspectives of What Teachers Do That Does Not Help Them Learn, Students' Comments About Meaningful Advice Given to Them by Teachers.

    Research courses were comprised of both undergraduate and graduate courses taught in a traditional classroom format, in which the content was research methods. Faculty a responsible to provide tips and techniques for research courses, and also to indicate what does not work in teaching research courses. Students were asked what teachers do to help them learn and what teachers do that does not help them learn

Tips and Strategies to Help Students Learn

  1. Ask questions rather than answering them
  2. Attend to what students are saying
  3. Be explicit in instructions at the beginning of the course about expectations and assignments
  4. Be gently honest about less than excellent work of the students
  5. Break the research process into smaller steps
  6. Build a supportive network among the students
  7. Creatively engage students in learning
  8. Discuss critiques of articles openly in class
  9. Distinguish between a clinical problem and a research problem
  10. Empower students to learn
  11. Encourage attendance at local research conferences
  12. Encourage attendance at all research conferences
  13. Encourage students to present at the school research day
  14. Have students bring an article for discussion that uses the concepts they are interested in exploring
  15. Have students develop a matrix to delineate the key concepts in a research study
  16. Help students not be overwhelmed with lots of assignments
  17. Include how to develop a poster
  18. Introduce students to doctoral level faculty and their programs of research
  19. Let students know research is a journey
  20. Pay attention to critical evaluation in writing
  21. Present the real with the ideal
  22. Provide advice on career planning for graduate schools
  23. Provide for student presentations
  24. Provide opportunities for students to learn without fear of making mistakes
  25. Provide opportunities for students to participate in small research projects with faculty guidance
  26. Share challenges and rewards of research
  27. Share personal stories about research
  28. Stress the importance of research for the profession
  29. Use a research utilization model for addressing course content
  30. Use discussion techniques that challenge each student
  31. Use evidence-based practice examples
  32. Use exercises that accompany course content in textbook
  33. Use humor
  34. Use jump ropes, Lego building blocks, or jacks to describe different kinds of research
  35. Use online, open book, open note exams
  36. Use peer evaluation and peer grading
  37. Use research critique assignment as the final examination
  38. Use seminar approach rather than lecture to facilitate interaction

Research Faculty Perspectives of What Does Not Work

  1. Requiring too many articles for critique
  2. Requiring too many assignments, so that students think research is labor intensive and boring
  3. Speaking over the heads of students
  4. Straight lecture

Students' Perspectives
Perspectives of What Teachers Do to Help Them Learn

  1. Answer questions in detail
  2. Be approachable
  3. Be understanding
  4. Compare and contrast research articles
  5. Concentrate on important points
  6. Discuss real life research projects
  7. Encourage attendance at research conferences
  8. Encouragement questions
  9. Encourage self-learning
  10. Encourage students to read professional nursing journals
  11. Explain information carefully
  12. Explain research utilization
  13. Explain the process of research in nursing
  14. Give handouts to reinforce ideas
  15. Give take-home exercises
  16. Help students relate research to clinical applications
  17. Make class interactive
  18. Offer consistent enthusiasm
  19. Offer practice questions, and review questions in class
  20. Present material in a concise and interesting manner
  21. Provide all assignments at the beginning of the course
  22. Provide course textbook and all relevant course materials at the beginning of class
  23. Provide detailed outline and course syllabus
  24. Provide great slides
  25. Provide guidance
  26. Provide learning activities that are unique
  27. Provide examples from personal research experience
  28. Provide review materials prior to exams
  29. Provide specific examples in class
  30. Provide time outside the classroom for one-to-one involvement
  31. Provide visual aids
  32. Relate research concepts to everyday examples
  33. Repeat important content
  34. Review important material
  35. Use active learning in the classroom
  36. Use class discussions
  37. Use clinical examples in teaching research
  38. Use interesting and interactive material
  39. Use Power Point slides judiciously and make these available to students
  40. Use small group exercises
  41. Use worksheets

Students' Perspectives of What Teachers Do That Does Not Help Them Learn

  1. Assigning a lot of reading without noting what is important in the reading
  2. Being unapproachable
  3. Covering material too quickly
  4. Displaying lack of enthusiasm for the subject
  5. Not providing connections between key concepts
  6. Not providing time for questions or discussion
  7. Expressing dissatisfaction with having to teach the class
  8. Failure to answer questions
  9. Failure to explain the information
  10. Failure to explain theories
  11. Failure to provide adequate explanations
  12. Going too fast
  13. Lack of coordination among professors teaching different sections
  14. Lack of emphasis on application of research
  15. Lack of opportunity to participate in research
  16. Lack of respect for students and their questions
  17. Lack of specificity about course material
  18. Lack of visual aids
  19. Long class periods
  20. Long reading assignments
  21. Monotonous voice
  22. Moving too slow
  23. No variation in the way material is presented
  24. Not enough emphasis on research implementation in the clinical area
  25. Not enough interactive assignments
  26. Not providing opportunities for self-learning
  27. Providing disorganized and unclear lecture
  28. Providing same material as presented in the book
  29. Providing too much detail about the research
  30. Reading from the text, Power Point slides, or other course materials
  31. Shoot down answers
  32. Too many students in the class
  33. Using only lecture format
  34. Using only Power Point to teach with; no group participation

Students' Comments About Meaningful Advice Given To Them By Teachers

    However, the majority of examples given by students fell into a broader category of “life advice.” This latter category provides support for the mentoring that is occurring between nurse faculty and students

Meaningful Advice Given to Students by Teachers
Meaningful Life Advice

  1. Apply what you have learned
  2. Appreciate diversity
  3. Ask colleagues for help or advice
  4. Ask questions when you do not understand
  5. Be enthusiastic
  6. Be kind and respectful to others
  7. Be open and receptive to learning every day
  8. Be patient
  9. Be patient and compassionate with others
  10. Be prepared
  11. Communication is essential
  12. Consider different perspectives
  13. Do not swallow elephants or choke on gnats
  14. Don't take yourself too seriously
  15. Do the best you can
  16. Giving up will do you in
  17. It's OK not to know the answer
  18. Keep learning
  19. Learn from mistakes
  20. Learn something from every experience
  21. Love what you do and develop your full potential
  22. Never assume anything
  23. Never give up on your dream
  24. Never underestimate yourself
  25. Organization is important not to lose your mind
  26. Pursue higher education
  27. Reach for the stars
  28. Remain open-minded
  29. Slow down
  30. Strive for excellence
  31. Take advantage of every aspect of learning possible
  32. Take as much as you can from your current experience
  33. Take each day as a new day
  34. Take things one day at a time
  35. The journey is as important as the destination
  36. There is never a dumb question; to be dumb is not to ask the question
  37. Think critically
  38. Think with an open mind
  39. Have faith in yourself and trust your judgment
  40. Never give up on yourself
  41. Touch the lives of people.
  42. Use reasoning, common sense, and critical thinking skills
  43. When you do not succeed the first time, do not settle for less the second time
  44. Your response is your responsibility
  45. Your work is not your worth

Meaningful Nursing Practice Advice

  1. Apply theory to clinical practice
  2. Assess and reassess your patients
  3. Do not expect to be an expert about nursing right away
  4. Document accurately
  5. Each patient is a unique individual having had different life experiences from all
  6. others
  7. Every nurse contributes to health care
  8. It is important to care
  9. Listen carefully to the patient and family
  10. Listen to patients and be an advocate
  11. Listen to patients and be compassionate
  12. Never let the rules of systems get in the way of excellent nursing practice
  13. Nurses make a significant difference in someone's life
  14. Nursing care is important and influences the lives of patients
  15. Nursing requires flexibility, skills, and confidence
  16. Performing skills and genuinely caring for patients are important acts
  17. Realize differences between ideals being taught and the reality of nursing practice
  18. Teamwork is essential for good patient care
  19. The art of caring is being truly present
  20. The rewards of nursing are outstanding
  21. Things will not always go your way so go on the best way that you can
  22. Treat patients how you would treat family members
  23. You can best help a patient when you listen and hear what is said


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