Fundamental of Nursing-I ,II, HEC, PNC, UHS Course Outline

Afza.Malik GDA

Fundamental of Nursing-I&II HEC Curriculum 

Fundamental of Nursing-I ,II, HEC, PNC, UHS Course Outline

Fundamental of Nursing-I ,II, HEC, PNC, UHS Course Outline, BSN 1st Year FON I II, Clinical Objectives , Skills Lab Procedures. 

Fundamental of Nursing-I 
Course Semester Credit Hours

    In the 136 Credit hour program ,there 4 hours for FON I.With 2 theory and 2 Skills Lab   Credit hours In the "Discipline Specific Foundation Courses " Category.

Course Description

    This course introduces the student to nursing as a professional discipline. The concept of a professional nurse is addressed through a brief overview of nursing historical development, definitions of nursing, nursing education, the practice, roles of the nurse and nurses accountability. The conceptual basis for nursing practice is presented as the relationship which exists among human needs, adoption and homeostasis, alterations in health, voluntary and involuntary processes, and nursing intervention. The position of nurses in the health care delivery system of the Country is explained through a description of its organization and administration, facilities, and personnel. International health and nursing organizations are discussed. 

Course Objectives

At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 

a. Describe the historical development of Health care and Nursing. 

b. Describe early Nursing Leaders and their contributions to the profession of nursing. 

c. Compare requirements and advantages of different Nursing Educational Programs. 

d. Compare and contrast definitions of nursing by different Nursing Scholars. 

 e. Describe the roles of a professional nurse. 

f. Describe the relationship among Human needs, Adoption Homeostasis, alterations in Health, Voluntary and Involuntary processes, and nursing intervention. 

g. Explain the content and purposes of Code of Ethics, and Standards of Nursing practice. 

h. Discuss the purposes and activities of the World Health Organization and the International Council of Nurses. 

FON I. Theory portion

Unit-I: History of Health Care and Nursing

Summary of ancient cultures  

Site of Health Care in Ancient Cultures 

Islam and Nursing

The founder of Nursing

Historical Perspective

Nursing in Mongol period + Nursing Defined by different scholar

Definition of Nursing by WHO 17

Types of Nursing Educational Programmes

History of Nursing Education in Pakistan

Unit-II: Roles of the Nurse in Health Care

Professional+ Characteristics of a Profession

Role of the Professional nurse

Description of Career roles

Description of role as Communicator

Description of role as a Teacher

Description of role as Counselor

Unit-III: Goals of Nursing and related concepts

Define basic human needs

Discuss basis of nursing practice 

Define World Health Organization + Explain model of conceptual framework for generic BS N program

Explore nursing and nursing practice

Define goal of nursing process

Identify historical perspective of the nursing process

Nursing Assessment

Nursing Diagnosis

Nursing Planning

Nursing  Implementation

Nursing Outcomes/Evaluation

Unit-IV: Communication

Define Communication, elements of the communication process, ways of communication

Identify the characteristics of the effective verbal communication 

Describe factors that’s facilitates and interfere with the effective communication

Discuss techniques that facilitate and interfere with effective communication Define ways to respond therapeutically

Identify non therapeutically respond

Discuss the legal aspects of documentations

Unit V: Nursing Skills (Vital Signs)

Define Vital Signs

Define terms related to Vital signs

Describe the physiological concept of temperature, respiration

Blood pressure

Describe the principles and mechanisms for normal thermoregulation in the body.

Identify ways that affect heat production and heat loss in the body

Define types of body temperature according to its characteristics

Identify the sign and symptoms of fever + Discuss the normal ranges for temperature, pulse

Respiration and blood pressure + List the factors affecting temperature, pulse, respiration

Describe the characteristics of pulse and respiration + List factors responsible for maintaining normal blood pressure

Describe various methods and sites used to measure T.P & B.P

Recognize the signs of alert while taking TPR and B.P.

UNIT VI: Skin Management

Define decubetic ulcer (bed sore)

List the causes of decubetic ulcer

Apply nursing interventions to prevent decubetic ulcer

Identity rise bactars of bedsores

UNIT VII: Concept of Safety: Risk Management

Define safety+Describe the characteristics of safety

Identify physical and microbial hazards in environment 

Discuss various ways to minimize hazards

Discuss the assessment for environmental safety

Identify physical and microbial hazards in the hospital environment, which interfere with patients’ safety

Explain general preventive measures for safe environment for health team members and patient

Using assessment, identify people at risk for safety dysfunction

Unit-VIII: Concept of Teaching Learning

Identify the learning needs of the patient at the clinical site

Develop teaching learning plan

Perform health teaching at the clinical site

Unit-IX: Oxygenation: Respiratory Function & Cardiovascular System

Identify factors that can interfere with effective oxygenation of body tissues

Describe common manifestations of altered respiratory and cardiovascular function

Discuss lifespan-related changes and problems in respiratory function and cardiovascular system

Describe nursing measures to ensure a patient airway

Apply Nursing Process and teaching plan for a client with altered respiratory function and cardiovascular function

Recognize the emergencies related to respiratory and cardiovascular system

Explain ways that caregivers can decrease the exposure of clients to infection

Differentiate between medical and surgical asepsis.

Unit X: Activity and Exercise Pattern

Define terms mobility, joint mobility, body alignments and body mechanics

Discuss the benefits of activity and exercise

Identify the principles of gravity that affects balance

Discuss factors affecting mobility

Discuss the effects of immobility on human body.

Review A&P of muscular skeletal system and characteristics of normal movement

Describe the impact of immobility on Physiologic and Psychological functioning

Apply nursing process while planning for the client with altered muscular skeletal system

Unit XI: Process of Hospitalization :

Define the team admission, transfer and discharge

Discuss the procedure for admission, transfer and discharge 

Identify nursing responsibility during admission, transfer and discharge

Discuss nurse role in preparing patients and family for discharge

Discuss the normal reaction of patient being hospitalized

FON I Skills Lab 

  • CPR Certifications BLS 
  • Preparing of different beds Bathing a patient in bed 
  • Measuring body temperature 
  • Assessment of pulse 
  •  Assessment of Respiration 
  •  Monitoring of Blood pressure 
  •  Mouth care of unconscious patient 
  •  Measurement of Height & Weight 
  • Admission of a patient in hospital Discharge of patient in hospital 

FON I  Clinical Objectives of Fundamental of Nursing: 

1. Identify the roles and functions of health care team members. 

2. Describe the functions of the various departments in a hospital. 

3. Describe the physical setup of a ward 

 4. Utilize techniques of therapeutic communication skills with patient and health team members. 

5. Collect patients’ data through interview. 

6. Observe the coordination of patients’ care between the health team members. 

7. Identify different forms used for documentation in patients’ care. 

8. Utilize appropriate hospital forms for documentation. 

9. Assess, document and identify variations in Vital Signs 

10. Discuss the observations for different Vital Signs pattern. 

11. Develop problem list based on patients’ assessments and rationalize each problem identified. 

12. Document assessment of patients’ problems/needs by using Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs at a beginning level. 

13. Develop Nursing care plan based on priority patients’ problem by following all the six components of nursing process. 

14. Observe the process of admission of a patient in hospital. 

15. Orient a patient to hospital environment. 

16. Assist in transfer of patients from one unit to another unit and department. 

17. Assist in preparing patients and family for discharge. 

18. Document the discharge of patients from the hospital. 

19. Observe various legal forms/documents used in the admission process 

20. Observe patients’ reactions to hospitalization and give assistance as needed. 

21. Demonstrate occupied and unoccupied bed making. 

22. Assess the need of personal hygiene care for selected patients and provide care accordingly. 

23. Document patients’ assessment and care provided. 

24. Utilize skills to maintain healthy nails and feet 

25. Demonstrate use of following safety measures for patients: 

26. Side rails 

27. Restraints 

28. Hand washing 

29. Demonstrate application of body mechanics when moving and lifting patient. 

30. Demonstrate range of motion exercises on a patient. 

31. Provide back care to bed ridden patients. 

32. Assist in transferring patients from bed to bed, bed to chair and bed to stretcher. 

33. Utilize different comfort devices in patients’ care. 

34. Assist patients with different types of positions. 

35. Demonstrate characteristics of a professional nurse. 

36. Assist patients in maintaining proper body alignment in bed. 

FON II Theory

Fundamental of Nursing-II 
Course Semester Credit Hours

    In the 136 Credit hour program ,there 4 hours for FON II.With 2 theory, 1 for Clinical and 1 Skills Lab Credit hours In the "Discipline Specific Foundation Courses " Category.

Course Description

    This course introduces learners to different concepts of nursing practice with emphasis on identifying the patient needs, developing communication skills and use of the nursing process. Learners will gain knowledge related to theoretical concepts, values, and norms of the profession, while learning skills for providing basic nursing care to patients in hospital settings. Gordon’s Functional Health Pattern (FHPs) will be used to assess patient needs. 

Course Objectives

By the completion of this course, learners will be able to: 

1. Identify the prescribed standards of nursing care set by the institution. 

2. Begin to identify the importance of evaluation in his/her nursing practice. 

3. Identify relevant sources, which contribute to personal and professionals growth. 

4. Begin to use the nursing process to deliver safe nursing care to individuals. 

5. Begin to understand the knowledge derived from Humanities, Natural and Behavioral Sciences, when providing nursing care to clients. 

6. Identify basic principle that protection against 

 7. Use critical thinking skills in selecting nursing intervention and outcomes for the planning of care setting. 

8. Perform all basic nursing skills safely and accurately at clinical settings



Unit I: Nursing Process 

Nursing Assessment:

Describe the assessment phase of the nursing process + Discuss the purpose of assessment in nursing practice 

Identify the skills required for nursing assessment + Differentiate the three major activities involved in nursing assessment + Describe the process of data collection.

Perform a nursing assessment using a functional health approach.

Nursing Diagnosis:

Define diagnosis in relation to the nursing process + State the meaning of nursing diagnosis

Describe the components of a nursing diagnosis + Differentiate between a nursing diagnosis and medical diagnosis.

Identify the clinical skills needed to make nursing diagnoses + Formulate nursing diagnoses according to NANDA list.

Outcome Identification and Planning:

Define outcome identification and planning + Explain the purposes of outcome identification and planning.

Describe the components of the nursing plan of care + Use a functional health approach to plan client care.

Implementation and evaluation:

Define implementation and evaluation +Discuss the purposes of implementation and evaluation

Describe clinical skills needed to implement the nursing plan of care + Describe activities the nurse carries out during the evaluation phase of the nursing process + Use a functional approach to implement and evaluate client care.

Communication of the Nursing Process: Documenting and Reporting:

Describe the purposes of the client record + List the principles of charting

Discuss the guidelines of documentation + Discuss the importance of confidentiality in the documenting and reporting.

Critical Thinking:

Explain the importance of critical thinking in nursing + Discuss definitions of, characteristics of, and skills used in critical thinking

Identify the three major factors that affect thinking

Explore ways to enhance and develop critical thinking skills especially as applied to nursing + Set personal goals for developing critical thinking skills.

UNIT II: Concept of Value Belief

Define value/belief pattern + Explain how behaviors related to values 

Identify sources of professional nursing values + Apply cultural and developmental perspective when identifying values

Examine values conflict and resolution in nursing care situations

UNIT III: Self Concept and Self Perception

Define self perception/ self concept pattern + Describe the functions of self and self concept 

Discuss how self concept develops through out the life span + Discuss factors that can effect self concept

Identify possible manifestation of altered self concept + Apply nursing process for a person with an altered self concept

UNIT IV: Concept of Pain (Different Therapies)

Define the process of pain (physiological changes) + Describe the different theories of pain theory. 

Differentiate between acute and chronic pain + Discuss the non pharmacologic interventions pain management.

Identify pharmacologic interventions for pain management

UNIT V: Concept of Nutrition and Dietary

Define nutrition/metabolic pattern + Review essential nutrients and examples of good dietary sources for each 

Review normal digestion, absorption, and metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins + Discuss nutritional considerations across the life span

list factors that can effect dietary pattern + Describe manifestations of altered nutrition

Explain nursing interventions to promote optimal nutrition and health + Apply nursing process for client with altered nutritional status

UNIT VI: Concept of Elimination

Define elimination pattern + Discuss common problems of elimination

Identify nursing interventions for common problems of fecal elimination + Discuss common problem of Urinary Elimination

Identify nursing intervention for common urinary problems + Describe factors that can alter urinary function

Discuss nursing process for a patient with altered elimination pattern

UNIT VII: Concept of Sleep

Define rest and sleep pattern+Define terms related to rest and sleep.

Compare the characteristics of sleep and rest+Discuss the characteristics of two kinds of sleep

Enumerate the functions of sleep+Discuss factors affecting sleep

Identify common sleep disorders+Identify conditions necessary to promote sleep.

Discuss nursing process for a patient to promote sleep

UNIT VIII: Human Reponses to Illness

Define coping stress tolerance pattern+Differentiate the concepts of stress as a stimulus, response, and transaction

Identify physiological and psychological manifestations of stress+Discuss Factors affecting coping pattern during hospitalization

Describe various types of coping pattern+Discuss the nursing process related to coping stress pattern

UNIT IX: Concept of Sexuality

Review the Anatomy and physiology of the male and female reproductive system+Describe normal sexual pattern 

Relate sexuality to all stages of life cycle+Identify factors that effects sexual functioning

Describe common risks and alteration in sexuality+Understand the nursing process as it relate to sexual functioning

UNIT X: Concept of Loss & Grieving and Death and Dying

Assess the physiologic signs of death+Identify beliefs and attitude about death in relation to age. 

Discuss the various ways of helping the dying patient meet his/her physiological, spiritual and emotional needs+Discuss care of the body after death+Discuss the legal implications of death.

Describe how a nurse meets a dying patient’s needs of comfort+Discuss important factors in caring for the body after death.

List changes that occur in the body after death+Define terms related to loss and grieving.

Discuss Kubler-Ross’ theory to assess grieving behaviors+Identify common manifestations of grief

Discuss the effects of multiple losses on the grief process+Apply the nursing process to grieving clients

UNIT XI: Concept of Stress & Coping

The objective has to be developed

UNIT XII: Oral Medication

The objective has to be developed

UNIT XII: Parental Medication

The objective has to be developed

  FON Ii List of Skills Labs 

 1. Application of hot water bag 

2. Application of Cold Compresses 

3. Applying bandages including wound dressing 

4. Performing nebulization/steam therapy 

5. Apply suction therapy. 

 6. Care of drainage bags (catheter) 

7. Sitz bath 

8. Elimination: Suppositories, Enema, Flatus Tube, Manual extraction 

9. Specimen Collection 

10.Urine Testing through dipstick

FON II Clinical Skills 

1. Medication (Oral and Topical) 

2. Medication (Parental) 

3. Sitz bath 

4. Care of catheter 50 

5. Mouth care of unconscious Patient 

6. Elimination: Suppositories, Enema, Flatus Tube, Manual extraction. 

 7. Urine testing/ Specimen collection. 

FON II Clinical Objectives of Fundamental of Nursing: 

1. Identify the roles and functions of health care team members. 

2. Describe the functions of the various departments in a hospital. 

3. Describe the physical setup of a ward 

4. Utilize techniques of therapeutic communication skills with patient and health team members. 

5. Collect patients’ data through interview. 

6. Observe the coordination of patients’ care between the health team members. 

7. Identify different forms used for documentation in patients’ care. 

8. Utilize appropriate hospital forms for documentation. 

9. Assess, document and identify variations in Vital Signs 

10. Discuss the observations for different Vital Signs pattern. 

11. Develop problem list based on patients’ assessments and rationalize each problem identified. 

12. Document assessment of patients’ problems/needs by using Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs at a beginning level. 

13. Develop Nursing care plan based on priority patients’ problem by following all the six components of nursing process. 

14. Observe the process of admission of a patient in hospital. 

15. Orient a patient to hospital environment. 

16. Assist in transfer of patients from one unit to another unit and department. 

17. Assist in preparing patients and family for discharge. 

18. Document the discharge of patients from the hospital. 

19. Observe various legal forms/documents used in the admission process 

20. Observe patients’ reactions to hospitalization and give assistance as needed. 

21. Demonstrate occupied and unoccupied bed making. 

22. Assess the need of personal hygiene care for selected patients and provide care accordingly. 

23. Document patients’ assessment and care provided. 

24. Utilize skills to maintain healthy nails and feet 

25. Demonstrate use of following safety measures for patients: 

26. Side rails 

27. Restraints 

28. Hand washing 

29. Demonstrate application of body mechanics when moving and lifting patient. 

30. Demonstrate range of motion exercises on a patient. 

31. Provide back care to bed ridden patients.

32. Assist in transferring patients from bed to bed, bed to chair and bed to stretcher. 

33. Utilize different comfort devices in patients’ care. 

34. Assist patients with different types of positions. 

35. Demonstrate characteristics of a professional nurse. 

36. Assist patients in maintaining proper body alignment in bed. 

Refence Books 

1. Carpinito L. J. (1998). Nursing Care Plans & Documentation: Nursing Diagnosis and Collaborative Problem (3rd ed.) Philadelphia: Lippincott 

2. Craven, R. F., & Hirnle, C. J. (2000). Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and Function. (3rd ed.). New York: Lippincott. 

3. Delaune, S. C., & Ladner, P. K. (2002). Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice. (2nd ed.) Canada: Delmar. 

4. Erb, G. K., B. (2000). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice (5th ed.) Addison: Wesley. 

5. Potter, P. A & Perry, A. G. (2003). Basic Nursing: Essentials for Practice (5th ed.) St. Louis: Mosby.

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