How Write an Effective Article On Website Or Blogger For Nurses

Afza.Malik GDA

Steps to Write an Effective Article

How Write an Effective Article On Website Or Blogger For Nurses

How to write and effective nursing article on blogger or website, Steps , Sequence and Rules. Writing  Article in 15 Steps. 

Writing really effective articles  Steps and  Rules With Sequence

 01 :Write an enticing headline
 02 :Research thoroughly and very carefully
 03 :Don't forget keyword research
 04 :Write a first draft
 05 :Now create the structure
 06 :Fill in the gaps in your structure
 07 :The finishing touches on the article
 08 :Let your text rest for a day
 09 :Find suitable pictures or videos
 10 :Again: Check your spelling
 11 :Format your post nicely
 12 :Final work in WordPress
 13 :A final check of the text
 14 :SEO Title and SEO Meta Description
 15 :Publish your post

    Writing really effective articles – the 15 simple steps make the difference between a good article and a mediocre one. Follow these 15 simple steps and your blog will get more readers. And if you then read my article on how to improve your Google ranking, your posts will be significantly more successful. This also includes optimizing internal links.
Then, with a little practice, you can write really good articles and market them successfully.

 1:Write an enticing headline

    Your headline needs to be useful to your potential visitors. It also has to convey what the article is about and, of course, it has to arouse curiosity and encourage people to click.
Therefore, always write your headline first and try several variants, from which you can then choose the most successful headline. 
    Extremely successful websites such as Upworthy have the editors write 25 different headlines for each post. Only one of them manages to get published. Best of the 25. To find your best headline, you can browse through the following categories:
  • The direct headline: Write perfect blog articles
  • The indirect headline: The only blog you can flip through
  • The news headline: My new e-book
  • How to Headline: How to write a great article
  • The question heading: What skills are you still missing?
  • The command heading: Get my new free e-book
  • The "reason why" headline: 7 reasons I don't like your blog
  • The Customer Testimonial Headline: Why I Read This Blog Every Week

 2 :Research thoroughly and very carefully

    Research is very important, your articles should be of very high quality if you want to get a lot of traffic in the foreseeable future. To do this, you feed Google with different search terms or short sentences.At the bottom of every search results page, you can find the so-called »long-tail keywords«. These are search terms that are made up of several words and were entered by the searching user to find a solution to their problem.

  • And that's exactly what you should offer them. Proceed like this:
  • Look at the first fifty search results. Open the appropriate pages
  • Scan these pages for relevant content
  • Filter out the garbage
  • Read up on your topic and develop specialist knowledge for your article
  • With a high-quality, long and well-researched article, you will always differentiate yourself from the other bloggers and rank better in the search results.
  • Really good articles are always well researched and unfortunately also time-consuming.

 3:Don't forget keyword research

    Google provides you with two good tools for this. On the one hand the Google search, as already mentioned, on the other hand the Google Ad words Keyword Planner Tool, which is really excellent. Both approaches together form the foundation for an article that is well optimized for the search engine. Pay attention to little competition and sufficient search queries for the desired keywords.
  • Really good articles are always search engine optimized.
  • Writing really good articles: SEO optimization
  • Write the keyword once in the title - as close to the beginning as possible. Make sure that the title of an article is always marked with a heading 1. More on that later.
  • Incorporate the keyword into your first headline, this should be a Headline 2.
  • Make sure the keyword appears 3-4 times in the article
  • Mark the keyword in bold
  • Write the keyword in one of the images or graphics used as an alt tag
  • Use the keyword as the name of the image
  • Use the keyword in the post's URL and keep it as short as possible
  • Use the keyword in the meta description. This brings click rates and, in my experience, also has a slight effect on the ranking.
  • However, keep one thing in mind: write your articles for your readers first, then for the search engine.

 4 :Write a first draft

    Now write down everything on the topic that comes to mind and seems important. You don't need to pay attention to a good structure or spelling at this point. The important thing is that you write. It also doesn't matter whether they are ideas about the core content, the introduction, the conclusions or the structure. It's all about writing the content and getting enough content for a good article.
    The structure of an article is really important. Make an effort. Create the subheadings. Make sure that you use these headings to describe what is happening in each paragraph. The subheadings should keep the scanners in the text and arouse curiosity. However, they should not reveal too much, otherwise there would be no reason to read the article.
    Always keep in mind that many people do not read the Internet, but "scan" the texts for the information they are looking for. It is important to catch these visitors and persuade them to read the article.
  • The structure for the search engine
  • The structure is also important for Google, a good structure ensures a better ranking. Basically, the following rules apply:
  • Write an introduction. It should not be too long and arouse curiosity.
  • Write lots of short paragraphs instead of long paragraphs. Structure your texts with subheadings.
  • I like to use good pictures. If you are good at graphic design, create images for your posts.
  • Use - if appropriate - supplementary videos from YouTube

 6:Fill in the gaps in your structure

    Point four and point five have now given you a kind of form that you now have to fill out with further information. Customize your post so that it fits well on this form and blends well into each section.Start at the top and work your way down. The headings you have already set are a good starting point for this area of ​​text work.

 7:The finishing touches on the article

    You now have a blog post blank in front of you. A rough diamond that you now need to cut and polish. It is best to read your article out loud.
  • Notice if the lyrics sound rhythmic.
  • Is the style, ok? correct.
  • Do you start many sentences with the same words? correct.
  • Does everything read smoothly, or did you write too awkwardly? correct.
  • Do the individual passages make sense? correct.
  • Do you have repetitions in the text that can be deleted? delete.
  • Are there passages in the text that still need to be supplemented? complete.
  • Is the spelling correct? correct.

 8:Let your text rest for a day

    Outstanding texts differ from good texts by a kind of "maturity period". So, give yourself a day off and let your post mature. After a day of rest, you have a different view of things, you are no longer so close to the topic. This is exactly what can improve your contribution again. Because after a day of rest you will have a different perspective on things and you will really be able to improve the text.
    After a day of rest, read the article again and correct stylistic errors, inconsistencies, poor explanations and - if possible - make the text more readable.

 9:Find suitable pictures or videos

    Adding pictures and/or videos to blog articles is great, but not always appropriate. Of course, people often want to recommend that you take pictures of every article. However, this only works with really good pictures and rarely with stock photos, which can be downloaded free of charge from the Internet. Of course, you can still edit stock photos in a photo program (Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, etc.) to personalize them. 
    Or you can use an online service like to create very individual graphics using templates.
    Then again, stock images can work, too.It's good if you can find videos supporting the content. Such content will certainly be readily accepted and used by your visitors. The young generation in particular loves it.

 10:Again: Check your spelling

    It's really important that you spell check your blog posts. Of course, mistakes happen again and again, it also happens to professionals. Yes, even full-time editors of large online magazines such as Spiegel or Die Zeit. 

 11:Format your post nicely

  •  Now is the right time to format your post. Mark important things in bold or italics. You derive even more important statements with a heading 4. 
  • Your paragraphs should reflect an idea. This is not always possible, but try to keep it.
  • Set links to older articles that can support your contribution thematically. When you start blogging, it won't always be possible.
  • But the longer you blog, the more supporting articles you'll be able to link to. Don't overdo it, three to four internal links are okay.
  • Also try to link external sources and further information. Don't be afraid that it might hurt you for ranking in search results, the opposite is true.
  • Important: Only by scanning must it be possible for your readers to grasp the content.

12:Final work in WordPress

  • The final work before publishing an article is really important.
  • Sort the article into the correct category
  • Complete this with some appropriate keywords
  • Edit the post URL to include only the keywords and no stop words, such as: like, you, too, and Choose a suitable article image (post image). 
  • The better the picture (and editing it in a photo program), the better for the article. Many people are visually inclined and are also tempted to read by the featured picture.

 13:A final check of the text

  • Is the headline enticing?
  • Is the url ok?
  • Are the pictures good and appropriate?
  • Is the formatting okay?
  • Did you check the spelling?
  • Does the article read fluently and understandably?
  • Are all links working?

 14:SEO Title and SEO Meta Description

  • Now you only have one step left before you can send your article out into the world. Set a special SEO title and appropriate meta description.
  • An SEO title is always used if, for example, you want to use a different title for your post on your website than in the search results on Google.
  • The SEO meta description is set to make Google's search result more understandable for the searcher. The user then also knows immediately whether the article in question solves his problem or not.
  • You can make the settings in the editors of the well-known SEO plugins such as Yoast-SEO, wpSEO or All-in-One SEO below your writing editor. Writing really good articles also means tackling those little SEO things.

 15:Publish your post

  • Congratulations! Now you've gone through the tough school of being a budding, successful blogger. You've worked through all the important points and haven't forgotten anything
  • Now you can either publish your post or schedule it for a specific date.

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