Pharmacology I &II , BSN Syllabus and Course outline HEC, PNC,UHS

Afza.Malik GDA

Pharmacology-I&II HEC Curriculum

Pharmacology I &II , BSN Syllabus and Course outline HEC, PNC,UHS, teaching strategies, wight-age division.

Pharmacology I &II , BSN Syllabus and Course outline HEC, PNC,UHS, teaching strategies, wight-age division.


    Course Description: The course emphasizes on knowledge about drugs, their classification, therapeutic effects, anticipated reactions, toxic effects, and abuse. At this level, the emphasis is on application of concepts to patient care situations, including patient assessment, drug dosage calculations and administration, patient and family teaching and documentation of patient responses to specific medications. Major emphasis will be placed on nursing management practices that minimize adverse effects and maximize therapeutic effects for patients, including the role of the nurse in pharmacological research. 

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, each learner will be able to 

1. Discuss the effects of different drugs on human body for example on gastrointestinal system, genitourinary system and immunology system 

2. Relate the knowledge of drug with in terms of indication of use which would include disorders of different systems 

 3. Explain the rationale for using a particular drug/s for a patient. 

4. Select appropriate nursing interventions for drugs given in clinical situations. 

5. Impart teaching to the patient/family regarding medications, based on their needs. 

6. Utilize nursing process to evaluate the need for and the effectiveness of the drug/s given to the patients. 

7. Integrate the knowledge of legal and ethical issues in administration of drug. 

8. Incorporate relevant research findings with guidance in development of new drug/s as a foundation for nursing practice. 

9. Incorporate cognitive, interpersonal and technical skill derived from the humanities, natural and behavioral sciences when administrating medication to clients, keeping in mind principles of different drugs. 

10. Calculate drug dosage accurately when administering oral and parental medications. 


Lecture/tutorials/handouts, self-directed learning, drug cards and quiz


Test (s) 40% Presentation on categories of medicine 20% Final Exam 40% 

Pharmacology I


UNIT I: Introduction to Pharmacology:Discuss the terminologies related to pharmacology

Discuss the history of pharmacology briefly

Identify the purposes of medication

Identify the source of medication Identify the source of medication

Discuss the classification of drugs

Describe the three type of drug supply system.

Discuss the drugs standards and legislation

Identify resource to collect and utilize drug information+Learn to prepare drugs cards

UNIT II: Drugs Used to Treat and Prevent Infections:Define the most commonly used drug category that is used to prevent and treat infections including antibiotics,






and antiviral drugs. Briefly discuss action and effects of selected drug category

Discuss the nursing measures/patient education which can be taken if patient is using to treat and prevent infections

UNIT III: Drugs Affecting the Gastrointestinal System:Discuss common symptoms / disorders for which gastrointestinal drugs are used

Describe uses and effects of gastrointestinal drugs

Describe the classification and action of drugs on the body

Identify the expected and adverse reactions of gastrointestinal drugs

Discuss the nursing responsibility related to gastrointestinal drugs

Calculate the drugs dosage accurately.

UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting Haematology System:Describe uses and effects of drugs affecting haematology system

Describe the classification of drugs used in hematology disorders

Discuss the action of haematology drugs on the body

Identify the expected and adverse reactions of drugs affecting haematology system

Discuss the nursing responsibility related to drugs affecting haematology system

Calculate the drugs dosage accurately

Unit V. Anti-neoplastic-Drugs:Describe uses and effects of anti-neoplastic drugs

Describe the classification of anti-neoplastic drugs

Discuss the action of haematology drugs on the body

Identify the expected and adverse reactions of anti-neoplatic drugs

Discuss the nursing responsibility related to anti-neoplastic drugs

Calculate the drugs dosage accurately


Course Description

    The course emphasizes on knowledge about drugs, their classification, therapeutic effects, anticipated reactions, toxic effects, and abuse. At this level, the emphasis is on application of concepts to patient care situations, including patient assessment, drug dosage calculations and administration, patient and family teaching and documentation of patient responses to specific medications. 

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, each learner will be able to 

1. Apply conceptual knowledge about the drugs used in CV, Respiratory, CNS, ANS & EENT and endocrine disorders and their mechanisms of action. 

2. Calculate drug dosage calculations accurately when administering oral and parental medications. 

3. Explain the rationale for using a particular drug/s for a patient. 

4. Select appropriate nursing interventions for drugs given in clinical situations. 

5. Impart teaching to the patient/family regarding medications, based on their needs. 

6. Utilize nursing process to evaluate the need for and the effectiveness of the drug/s given to the patients. 

7. Integrate the knowledge of legal and ethical issues in administration of drug. 

8. Incorporate relevant research findings with guidance in development of new drug/s as a foundation for nursing practice. 

9. Incorporate cognitive, interpersonal and technical skill derived from the humanities, natural and behavioral sciences when administrating medication to clients, keeping in mind principles of different drugs. 

10. Begin to understand alternative therapies in medicine. 

11. Utilize an advanced level of English Language in classroom and clinical setting for Pharmacology. 

Teaching/Learning Strategies

Lecture/handouts, self-directed learning, drug cards and quiz. Evaluation Criteria: Test (s) 40% Presentation on categories of medicine 20% Final Exam 40%

Pharmacology II


Unit I: Drugs used in Endocrine Disorders:A. Antidiabetic Drugs:Review disease process of Diabetes mellitus+Discuss the role of Insulin in metabolic process.

Discuss different types of anti-diabetic agents with their mode of action, side effects and care+List the principles of therapy for all anti-diabetic agents.

 State reasons for combinations of insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents+Calculate drug dosage accurately.

B. Corticosteroids:Review the Anatomy & Physiology of adrenal glands+Discuss the action, indication, side effects and contraindication of exogenous corticosteroids.

List few commonly used corticosteroids+Differentiate between short term and long-term corticosteroid therapy.

Discuss the action, indication, side effects and contraindication of exogenous androgen therapy+Discuss the consequences of abusing anabolic steroids.

Identify few names of anabolic steroids+Apply nursing process for the clients using corticosteroids / androgens therapy+Calculate drug dosage accurately.

C. Thyroid and Antithyroid Drugs:Review the physiologic effects of thyroid hormone+Identify effects of hypo and hyper secretions of thyroid hormone+Discuss actions, indications, side effects and contraindications of thyroid and anti-thyroid drugs.

Integrate the influence of thyroid and anti-thyroid drugs on the metabolism of other drug+Teach clients self-care activities related to the use of thyroid and anti-thyroid drugs+Calculate drug dosages accurately.

C. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Drugs:Discuss the clinical uses of major hypothalamus and pituitary hormones+Identify commonly used drugs and hormone replacement

State the major nursing consideration in the care of client receiving specific hypothalamic and pituitary hormones+Calculate the drug dosage accurately for oral and parental drug/ hormone used for hypothalamus and pituitary replacements

Unit II: Drugs used for Nervous System Disorders:A Anesthetic drugs:Define the term anesthesia and anesthetic agents+Differentiate between different types of anesthesia+Identify the stages of general anesthesia

Describe Characteristics of general and local anesthetic agents+Identify most commonly used anesthetic agents

Discuss factors considered when choosing anesthetic agents+Compare general and local anesthesia in terms of administration, client’s safety and nursing care.

Discuss the rationale for using adjunctive drugs before and during surgical procedures+Describe the nursing role in related to anesthetics and adjunctive drugs.

Discuss the action, indication and side effects of neuro-muscular blocking agent+Calculate the drug dosage of injectable anesthetic agent

Anti-Convulsants:Discuss the pharmacokinetics, side effects and adverse reactions, therapeutic plasma phenytoin level+Identify the contraindications and drug interactions.

Explain the nursing interventions, including client teaching related to the use of anti-convulsants+Calculate the drug dosage accurately for oral and parental anticonvulsants drug.

Anti-Parkinson’s:Describe the action of anticholinergic drugs and dopaminergic drugs in treatment of Parkinsonism+Differentiate between the types of commonly used anti-Parkinson’s drugs+Describe the side effects of anti-Parkinson drugs+Discuss the nursing interventions including clients teaching of drugs used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease+Calculate the drug dosage accurately for oral and parental anti Parkinson’s drugs

Anti Migraine and drugs for Trigeminal neuralgia:Discuss the action, contraindication and side effects of Antimigraine and Trigeminal neuralgia+Identify most commonly used drugs for migraine and Trigeminal neuralgia+State the major nursing care if client is using Anti migraine and Trigeminal neuralgia+Calculate the drug dosage accurately for oral anti migraine and drugs for trigeminal neuralgia.

E. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants:Discuss common symptoms/disorders for which skeletal muscle relaxants are used+Describe uses and effects of skeletal muscle relaxants+Differentiate between centrally acting and peripherally acting muscle relaxants+Describe non-pharmacologic interventions to relieve muscle spasm and spasticity+Apply the nursing process with clients experiencing muscle spasm or spasticity+Calculate the drug dosages accurately.

UNIT III: Drugs used for Autonomic Nervous System Disorders

Drugs affecting Sympathetic Nervous System (Adrenergic & Anti-Adrenergic drugs):Differentiate effects of stimulation of alpha & beta-adrenergic receptors+List characteristics of adrenergic and anti-adrenergic drugs in terms of effects on body tissues, indications for use, adverse effects, nursing process implications, principles of therapy and observations of clients responses+List commonly used over the counter preparation that contains adrenergic drugs+Discuss principles of therapy & nursing process for using adrenergic and anti-adrenergic drugs+Discuss the nursing care including teaching client about safe and effective use of these classes of drugs+Calculate drug dosage calculations accurately.

UNIT IV: Drugs Affecting Parasympathetic Nervous System(CHOLINERGIC & ANTI- CHOLINERGIC DRUGS):List characteristics of Cholinergic & Anti-Cholinergic drugs in terms of effects on body tissues, indications for use, adverse effects, nursing process implications, principles of therapy and observations of client’s responses+Discuss antidotes for cholinergic drugs & Anti-Cholinergic drugs+Describe signs and symptoms of cholinergic drugs & Anti-Cholinergic drug overdose.

Describe major nursing care needs of clients receiving these classes of drugs+Discuss principles of therapy & nursing process for using Cholinergic & Anti-Cholinergic drugs+Teach the client about safe and effective use of these classes of drugs+Calculate the drug dosage accurately for oral and parental drug affecting parasympathetic nervous system.

UNIT V: Drugs Affecting the Cardio-Vascular System:A. Cardiac Glycosides and Antia+irythmic Drugs: Review inotropic, chronotropic and dromotropic effects of cardiovascular drugsDescribe the therapeutic effects and therapeutic uses of digoxin+Discuss digitalization+Discuss the signs and symptoms of early moderate and severe digoxin toxicity.

Describe the nursing care related to digoxin toxicity+Discuss pharmacological management of arrhythmias+Discuss nursing implication in relation to antiarrythmic drugs+Calculate the drug dosage accurately while administering oral and perenteral medication.

B. Anti Anginal and Anti-Hypertensive Drugs:Discuss the main classes of drugs that are used for treating AP+Discuss the nursing responsibility of each class of drugs+Discuss the pharmacological management of hypertension and hypertensive crisis+Discuss the nursing responsibility related to antihypertensive drugs+Calculate the drug dosage accurately while administering oral and parenteral medications.

C. Thrombolytic Therapy:Discuss the main classification of thrombolytic therapy+discus the action of different thrombolytic therapy+Discuss the nursing responsibility during thrombolytic therapy

UNIT VI: Drugs Affecting the Respiratory System:Define antihistamine, Decongestant, antitussive and expectorant+List the drug groups that are used for the COPD and Asthma+Explain the therapeutic effects, side effect, Toxic level and nursing consideration+Calculate the drug dosage accurately while administering oral and parenteral medications.

A Anti Tuberculosis Drugs:Discuss the characteristics of anti-tubercular drugs (Mechanism action+Indication+Contraindication)

Discuss Primary and Secondary management of TSB drugs+Describe the rationale for multiple drug therapy in treatment of TB+Discuss appropriate nursing implication for client receiving anti-tuberculin therapy+Calculate the drug dosage accurately while administering oral and parenteral medications.

Unit VII: Drugs used in Ophthalmic/ENT Disorders:Review ocular structure that influence drug therapy+Discuss different categories of drugs used in E ENT disorders

Review the proper methods of instilling the EEN drops+Utilize nursing process while taking care of clients using drugs related to EENT disorders+Calculate drug dosage calculations accurately

Books Reference  

1. Chrousos, G. P. & Margioris, A. N. (2001). Adrenocorticosteriods & adrenocortical antagonistic. 

 2. Clayton, B. D. & Stock, Y. N. ((2001). Basic pharmacology for nurses. 12th ed London: Mosby. 

3. Mccuistion, L. E. G., R. J. (2002a). Drugs affecting the endocrine system. In real-world nursing survival guide: Pharmacology. London: Saunders. 

4. Mccuistion, L. E. G., R. J. (2002b). Psychotherapeutic agents in drugs affecting the nervous system. In real-world nursing survival guide: Pharmacology. London: Saunders. 

5. Riens, B. S., & Evans, M. E. (2002). Pharmacological aspects of nursing care (6th ed.). New York: Delmar. 

6. Shives, L. R. (2002). Basic concepts of psychiatric mental health nursing. (5th ed ). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. 

7. Tracy, M. F., Lindaquist, R., Watanuki, S., Sendelbach, S., Kreitzer, M. J., Berman, B., & Savik, MS. (2003, May/June). Nurse attitudes towards the use of complementary and alternative therapies in critical care. Heart & lung. The journal of acute & critical care., 32, 179-209.

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