Nurse Patient Engagement And Nursing Education

Nurses Educator 2

 Role of Nurses Educator  For Training Students Regarding Nurse Patient Relationships

Nurse Patient Engagement And Nursing Education

What is Nursing Patient Engagement,History of Patient Nurse Engagement,Complexities of Patient Nurse Relationship,Faculty Role For Training Nurse Patient Relationship.

What is Nursing Patient Engagement

    Engagement is the way in which people feel connected in a strongly positive manner. The term can also be defined by types of people and work settings where there is an ongoing positive feeling Faculty are expected to be committed to engagement in order to help students attain the goals of learning and be prepared as professional nurses who work directly with patients and other staff.

    The Center for Advancing Health (2010, p. 2) defines engagement from the patient perspective as "actions individuals must take to obtain the greatest benefit from the health care services available to them." This definition can also be applied to engage professional nurses, nurse educators, and student learners. The Commission on Community-Engaged Scholarship in the Healthcare Professions ( nd ) defines community engagement as “the application of institutional resources to address and solve challenges facing communities through collaboration with these communities” (p. 12).

History of Patient Nurse Engagement 

    Several studies have focused on work engagement in magnet hospitals. nurses who work in Magnet hospitals are more engaged than those who work in non-Magnet organizations. Highly engaged nurses are described as more effective than disengaged nurses in addition, engaged nurses have a good relationship with nursing management, a supportive work environment, a sense of empowerment, and a good work-life balance. Furthermore, they participate in decision making and professional development (Carter & Tourangeau , 2012; Fasoli , 2010) as engaged practitioners.

    Factors contributing to the perception of engagement nurses have in the workplace are workload, control, reward, fairness, community, and value. Positive practice environments that influence engagement were found to have the following aspects of an empowering work environment; a shared governance structure: leadership support: adequate numbers and skill mix of staff. and value autonomy, professional development, and collegial relationships ( Twigg & McCullough, 2014). 

    Palmer, Griffin, Reed, and Fitzpatrick (2010) studied a group of acute care nurses and found that engagement associated positively with self-transcendence. Thus, when nurses are fully engaged in their personal and professional lives, it can be concluded that their growth, development, and becoming as a person will be enhanced. In another study, a significant determinant of feeling engaged was the perception that one's work is important (Rivera, Fitzpatrick, & Boyle, 2011) Therefore, the experience of being engaged in one's work is when one finds meaning in his or her work

Complexities of Patient Nurse Relationship

    Engagement is a complex concept that has a variety of meanings from various perspectives. Reports of literature in nursing and other fields indicate a relationship between productivity and engagement, such that the more engaged-the more productive. Practices defined in a document by the American Organizations of Nurse Executives provide the underpinnings of an environment where nurses experience self as being engaged to the fullest. The practices are collaboration, accountability, shared decision making, competent leadership, qualified nurses, expert practitioners, and recognition of the value of nursing's meaningful contribution to practice.

    Recommendations from the Institute of Medicine's (10M) The Future of Nursing (2010) have compelled schools of nursing to redesign undergraduate nursing curricula to include judgment, inquiry, commitment, and voice (D'Antonio, Brennan, & Curley, 2013 ) . In their work, Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation, Benner. Sutphen , Leonard. and Day (2010) described an urgent need to restructure nursing curricula so they actively engage learners and promote clinical reasoning. 

    Engaging students in the classroom and clinical setting allows students to envision themselves as nurses. Activities that foster student engagement in interprofessional collaboration and communication in practice settings help students to develop confidence levels. Strategies to facilitate student and new graduate nurse engagement in inter-professional collaboration suggest better patient outcomes ( Plaff , Baxter, Jack, & Ploeg , 2013; Pollard, 2009)

Faculty Role For Training Nurse Patient Relationship

    Learners, faculty, direct care nurses, advanced practice nurses, and nurse leaders have the opportunity and the obligation to work to improve places where nurses work, with the goal of well-engaged nurses. Although little research has been done in nursing and health care as compared to some other fields, gaining an increased understanding of commitment can lead to professional maturity.

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