Nursing Education In Score Evaluation

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Score Evaluation In Nursing Education

Nursing Education In Score Evaluation

What Is Score Evaluation In Nursing Education,Implementations of Score Evaluation In Nursing Education,Nursing Research About Students Score Evaluation.

What Is Score Evaluation In Nursing Education

    Evaluation is a multidimensional process of gathering data to inform judgment as to the value of something or someone. Specific to students, the evaluation process is most often related to either an assignment of grades based on a student's performance or the identification of gaps in student understanding, allowing for improvement. The teacher assesses the student's knowledge or achievement of specified objectives, determines the proportional value, and provides essential feedback for development.

Implementations of Score Evaluation In Nursing Education

    In nursing education, evaluation of students is complex. Students must be evaluated in the classroom and the clinical setting. Evaluation of theory is typically composed of the accumulation of points for assignments and tests, allowing a more objective determination of grade ( Oermann & Gaberson , 2014) Clinical performance has historically been evaluated solely by the observation of the student in the clinical setting. The instructor must then use these observations to make judgments on the abilities of the student. Based on the subjectivity of this type of clinical evaluation, there are concerns related to the reliability of the assessment.

    Evaluation in nursing education is most often categorized as formative or summative evaluation ( Vonderwell & Boboc , 2013). Summative evaluation is the process where value judgments are made based on the student's performance or achievement of objectives. It is often more of a static depiction of student performance. Formative evaluation is the dynamic view of a student's progress during the educational process. Based on the formative evaluation, the instructor can identify areas of needed improvement in the student's performance. This allows the instructor to provide feedback with the goal of student improvement. 

    It typically does not result in a grade, or points being given. Instead, it allows students to be informed of the gaps in their understanding or performance of clinical skills ( Vonderwell & Boboc , 2013).Evaluation must be well planned. It should be included in the design of nursing curricula. There needs to be a clear identification of what the evaluation is for, who should be involved in conducting the evaluation, and how it is to be performed. If the students are identified as the primary stakeholders, it must be determined how they will use the evaluation information (Murdoch University, 1999). There should also be clearly defined learning outcomes in place so that the evaluator can determine if there has been a change in behavior or knowledge. 

Nursing Research About Students Score Evaluation

    A review of the recent literature shows a lack of research over the last 5 to 7 years devoted to evaluation of students in nursing education. Hunt and Hutchings (2014) identified the need for development of improved methods of evaluation in nursing education. Corrigan and Hardham (2011) recommended use of more innovative methods for evaluation of students and, based on their study, advocated use of student self-evaluation in the learning process. It is expected that by development of self-evaluation, we are not only enhancing students' ability to critically analyze their performance, but we are assisting the students in developing habits that will improve practice. 

    In their study of online learning, Vonder well and Boboc (2013) identified a number of strategies related to enhancing conventional evaluation methods to support teaching and learning. They identified a need for a partnership between the student and instructor in the online learning environment to ensure that students are meeting the educational goals.Clinical evaluation also presents challenges in nursing education. Across multiple disciplines in a variety of health care settings, the reliability of assessment has been questioned (Hawker & Walker, 2010). Hawker and Walker (2010) indicated that there needs to be a more objective system in place to ensure that evaluation in the clinical setting is reliable. 

    They discussed the use of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) as a method of clinical evaluation. Han, James, and McClain (2013) recommended use of student peer evaluation in the clinical setting to enhance both formative and summative valuation. All of these researchers concur that little research is available regarding clinical evaluation (Hall, 2013; Han, James, & McClain, 2013; Hawker & Walker, 2010). Hall (2013) asserted that even though the majority of student time in undergraduate nursing education is spent in the clinical setting, little is really known in regard to how this evaluation occurs. 

    Students in the United States do not perform any clinical examination for entry into practice, so the progression of students through a program and into the work force relies heavily on the clinical instructors' skills in evaluation.There is a lack of research on the evaluation of students in nursing education. Evaluation is a critical element in the educational process as it provides the information necessary for improving instructional design, narrowing the gap in student understanding, and facilitating the development of a competent nursing workforce in our health care system.

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