Choosing Instructional Materials In Nursing Education

Nurses Educator 2

Instructional Materials In Nursing Education and Choice

Choosing Instructional Materials In Nursing Education

How Choose Choosing Instructional Materials, Characteristics of the learner, Characteristics of the medium, Characteristics of the task.

How Choose Choosing Instructional Materials

    Nurse educators must consider many important variables when selecting instructional materials. The role of the nurse educator goes beyond the giving of information only; it also involves skill in designing and planning for instruction Learning can be made more enjoyable for both the learner and the teacher if the nurse educator knows which instructional materials are available, as well as how to choose and use them to best enhance the teaching learning experience.

    Knowledge of the different instructional materials available and their appropriate use helps nurses make education more interesting. challenging, and effective for all types of learners. With current trends in healthcare reform, educational strategies to teach patients need to include instructional materials for health promotion, illness prevention, health maintenance, and rehabilitation.

    Making appropriate choices of instructional materials depends on a broad understanding of three major variables: 

(1) characteristics of the learner

(2) characteristics of the medium

(3) characteristics of the task to be achieved (Frantz, 1980)

    A useful mnemonic for remembering these variables is LMAT standing for learner, medium, and task.

1.Characteristics of the learner

    Many variables are known to influence learning. Nurse educators, therefore, must know their audience so that they can choose those tools best suited to the needs and abilities of various learners. They must consider sensory and motor abilities, reading skills, motivational levels (locus of control), developmental stages, learning styles, gender, socioeconomic characteristics, and cultural backgrounds.

2. Characteristics of the medium

    A wide variety of media-printed, demonstration, and audiovisual are available to enhance teaching methods. Print materials are the most common form through which information is communicated, but demonstration tools and non print media, which include a large range of audio and visual possibilities, are popular and useful choices. 

    Because no single medium is more effective than all other options, the educator should be flexible in considering a multimedia approach to complement methods of instruction.

3.Characteristics of the task

    Identifying the type of learning domain (cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor) as well as the complexity of behaviors to be achieved to meet identified objectives, defines the task(s) that must be accomplished.

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