Groups Discussion Team Base and Cooperative Learning In Nursing Education

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Cooperative Learning and Groups Discussion Team Base In Nursing Education

Groups Discussion Team Base and Cooperative Learning In Nursing Education

What Is Group Discussion,Group Discussion as an Educational Method In Nursing Education,Benefits and Protocols of Group Discussion,What Is Team Based Learning,Principles of Team Based Learning ,What Is Cooperative Learning In Nursing Education,Components of Cooperative Team Learning.

What Is Group Discussion

    Group discussion is defined as a method of teaching whereby learners get together to actively exchange information, feelings, and opinions with one another and with the educator. Group discussion, as a broad active teaching method, can incorporate other specific types of instruction, such as guided learning, collaborative learning, small group learning, team based learning, cooperative learning, case studies, and seminars. 

Group Discussion as an Educational Method In Nursing Education

    Group discussion teaching methods such as team based learning and cooperative learning in most instances is not pertinent for patient and family teaching but is an effective strategy for staff development and nursing students.

    In general, the benefits of group discussions are that they lead to deeper understanding and longer retention of information, increased social support, greater transfer of learning from one situation to another, more positive interpersonal relationships, more favorable attitudes toward learning, and more active learner participation (Brookfield, 2006; Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 2007; Oakley & Brent, 2004; Springer, Stanne, & Donovan, 1999). 

Benefits and Protocols of Group Discussion

    As a commonly used instructional technique, this method is learner centered as well as subject centered. Group discussion is an effective method for teaching in both the affective and cognitive domains (Feingold et al., 2008; Springer et al., 1999).

    Group size is a major consideration and should be determined by the purpose or task to be accomplished and concepts for application in practice situations. Group size can vary somewhat, but discussion is most effective with relatively small groups (ideally between four and eight people). This allows learners the opportunity to ask questions and to be more interactive with one another (DeYoung, 2014). Small groups will allow learners to question the meaning of content and internalize the significance to practice (Feingold et al., 2008).

 What Is Team Based Learning

    Team based learning is an innovative and newly popular teaching method in nursing education. Team-based learning offers educators a structured, student-centered learning environment (Mennenga, 2012). Team-based learning is meant to enrich the students' learning experience through active learning strategies. Team-based learning uses a structured combination of pre-class preparation, individual and group readiness assurance tests, and application exercises (Mennenga, 2012). 

Principles of Team Based Learning 

According to Sisk (2011), team-based learning incorporates four key principles:

  • Forming heterogeneous teams
  • Stressing student accountability
  • Providing meaningful team assignments focusing on solving real world problems
  • Providing feedback to students

    Heterogeneous teams consist of 5 to 10 students, who work together as a team throughout the semester. The team members are required to be prepared for class and contribute to the team. Preparation is evaluated through individual quizzes given in the beginning of class that are handed in; the same quiz is then taken as a group. Team learning grades are assigned based on group performance, quiz grades, and peer evaluation (Sisk, 2011). BOX 11-1 summarizes what team-based learning is, how it works, which rules govern its use, and how grading is accomplished.

What Is Cooperative Learning In Nursing Education

    The terms team based learning and cooperative learning sometimes are used interchangeably. This is a reasonable response because interactive student participation is observed with both methods. However, cooperative learning is the methodology of choice for transmitting foundational knowledge, Additionally, cooperative learning is distinguished by the educator's role, in which the educator is the center of authority in the class, with group tasks usually more closed ended and often having specific answers (Conway, 2011). 

Components of Cooperative Team Learning 

    Cooperative learning is highly structured group work focusing on problem solving that leads to deep learning and critical thinking. According to Millis(2010), cooperative learning includes four key components: 

  • Extensive structuring of the learning tasks by the teacher Strongly interactive student-student execution of the tasks
  • Immediate debriefing or other assessments to provide the teacher and students with prompt feedback about the success of the intended learning
  • Instructional modifications by the teacher based on feedback
  • In the profession of nursing, the use of co-operative learning stresses the importance of fundamental knowledge and understanding.

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