Creativity Assessment Self Test As Strategy In Nursing Education

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 elf Test As Strategy In Nursing Education for Creativity Assessment

Creativity Assessment Self Test As Strategy In Nursing Education

Self  Test How Creative Someone In Nursing Education, Use of Self Test In Nursing Education for Assessment of Creativity, Characteristics of the Quiz to Assess the Level of Creativity.

Self  Test How Creative Someone In Nursing Education

    This strategy is most effective when sudden arrive at different times for example, when some are unavoidably late and the rest of the class hat already arrived, or when there is a prolonged or staggered registration period. Self test abo helps when the speaker is not quite ready. 

    In this method, a quiz is distributed to the class. The quiet usually doesn’t relate is the topic: it’s meant to get creative juices flowing. In first encountered Self test at a scout leader orientation, where it was used to break the ice and demonstrate the flexible and inquisitive mind needed to work with young boys.

    You can copy the quiz out of this text. You can abo scan it into Power Point or put it on an overhead projector, but in dents take it more seriously when they are working from their own copy Example of the Strategy at Work Here is the quiz, the answers follow.

Use of Self Test In Nursing Education for Assessment of Creativity

    Self test can be used any time your goal is not only to break the ice, but ago to stimulate creativity, inquisitiveness, and a team spirit. It has been used in many teaching venues to open a discussion about creativity. Creativity is presented as a habit to be learned and cultivated, rather than as an innate or inherited trait

    To hone test taking skills, students may take this quiz and then discuss the need to read questions carefully. Invariably, some don’t catch Moses versus Noah of some of the other subtle, but generally easy, questions.

    Froman and Owen used a similar quiz in teaching about innovative methods to teach research. Their quiz, entitled “Logico  perceptual Thinking A Test for Intelligence,” was used as an amassment of validity. The authors administered several creativity questions and then discussed whether the results should be used to determine performance evaluations, pay raises, and other rewards. 

    Subsequent discussions focused on the valid use of the quiz results in those sinuation’s, and on the valid use of tools to measure parameters outside their intended scope. The same quiz has been used to stimulate interest in research.

Characteristics of the Quize to Assess the Level of Creativity

You can do Self test in pairs or trios as a way to build team spirit for future exercises. 

• When flexibility is discussed, this quiz helps to drive home points such as “You need to be able to think differently.” It’s valuable in classes about conflict resolution, problem solving, or nursing decision-making

• A colleague used the strategy to get the group started in a publishing workshop. She presented publishing as a process that requires flexibility and creativity, and asked the class to reframe the tank and think about it a little differently. She then gave the following quiz, which the class worked on in pairs or team. As a result, the students got to know one another and learned to regard publishing as a less formidable task

1. How do you get a giraffe in the refrigerator You spend the door, put the giraffe inside, and close the door

2. How do you get an elephant in the refrigerator! You open the door, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant, and close the door

3. The Lion King has a party. All the animal come except one Which animal doesn’t go to the Lion King’s party! The elaphrines in the refrigerate

4. A river is known to be full of crocodiles. You need to get to the other side. How do you get aroma? You wade or wave all the crocodiles are at the Lion King’s party Using Toys, Prizes, and Props.

    General Description This strategy is based on the premise that we learn with toys acorn our life span. Any physical object that creates a memory can assist with learning. These include props, visual cues, primes, and objects that must be manipulated.

    Preparation and Equipment This strategy takes more preplanning than preparation. If you use props, toys, or prizes, they should have a relevant connection to the material. Ensure that the objects provide a visual cue for the class, to be membered later. 

    If you plan to distribute prunes or props to the entire class, select items that don’t cost much, and make sure that you have enough for the entire class. If you use props, make sure they’re large enough to be seen by the whole claw.

    Example of the Strategy at Work Tays, Prizes, and Props have many. While teaching a class on stress management, I distributed Chinese finger traps from a discount toy store. Each student placed the index finger of each hand into one end of the trap. Then I asked the students to get their fingers out on their own. 

    The students learned that the harder they pulled, the greater the tension on their fingers and the tighter the trap became. If they relaxed and allowed the trap to loosen, it slipped easily off their fingers. Many lessons may be taken from this exercise: The harder we try to deal with stress, the more stress we experience. The mote we relax, the easier it is to deal with life’s conflicts. And so forth. 

    Use a sneaker to describe the learning process. In this exercise, students learn to tie their shoes all over again. First, they are given a written description of how to tie a shoe and asked to forget that they know how to do it. They must use only the written guide- lines. Then they are shown step-by-step pictures of shoe tying and asked to complete the job. Next, they are given a demonstration of shoe tying.

    Finally, the students learn the children’s method: “Make one loop-that’s the tree. Make another loop-that’s the bunny. The bunny runs around the tree. Now he jumps in a hole under the tree Now he comes out the other side and quickly runs away.” We then discuss how slip-on shoes and Velcro fastenings have removed the challenges sneakers used to present and have created new ones.

    All of these examples provide visual cues about the learning process. They also provide nurses, nursing students, and clients with specific strategies for teaching and learning psychomotor skills I’ve used a tool box to teach decision making in surning. 

    Each tool represents a step in the process, in one demonstration, a hammer stood for psychomotor skills, the pliers for critical thinking, the screwdriver for a knowledge base, and the wrench for organizational skills. We then discussed the vital function of cache “tool” and the negative effect on nursing care if a single one is mining

    You can also show the class how the nurse uses cachetool to arrive at a decision. Different tools represent assessment, diagnosis and analysis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Again, cachetool, representing each step of the nursing process, is important, but no one tool is more important than the others. Fur some jobs, took must be used in a specific order. 

    Gross uses a Koosh Ball to demonstrate how necessity breeds creativity. This toy was invented by a grandfather who enjoyed playing with ha grandchildren. His wife frequently scolded them all about playing ball in the house for fear something would be broken. The grandfather’s response was to create a ball out of rubber hands. 

    The ball became the Koosh Ball. Not only is it safe for in-house play, but its inventor has made millions of dollars. I’ve used the same story to illustrate concepts such as creative problem-solving and personal achievement. I also use it to intro- duce a subject that may require an open mind, such as a change in agency policy, a difficult topic, or a problem warranting creative solutions or a shift in thinking.

• Give out “learning favors” much like party favors, to help students remember both the class content and the association with. the favor when they look at it. Fortune cookies, magic tricks, and other novelties may be aligned with class objectives and encourage later recollection of the material.

• Use a flashlight to describe the nursing process. Let’s say you turn on the flashlight and it doesn’t work. At that point you make assessments. You determine whether there are batteries in the Hash light, the bulb is intact, the batteries are in correctly, and the switch is working. You then analyze all the data to develop a diagnosis of the problem. 

    On the basis of your data, you determine that the batteries are dead and you plan to get a new sex. You decide that dead batteries are the priority diagnosis and set about intervening, in this case replacing the batteries. In the evaluation phase, you discover that the light still doesn’t work. 

    You revise the care plan, using the cyclical nature of nursing decision-making, and discover that you may have inserted the hatcheries incorrectly. You plan, then intervene by reinserting the harries. In your evaluation, when the light shines, you deter mine that the nuning diagnosis was correct and the problem is resolved

    Bring a funnel to class. Use the funnel to describe the information coming into a nurse’s consciousness. The nurse mast churn through all of this information to effectively meet client news, establish priorities, develop organizational skills, or learn a new specialty

    Bring squishy body parts found in the toy aisles of stores to rein force averments skills. Students are asked to describe the object ming technical amesament terms and to discuss methods of physical examination relative to the type of body part. For example, a finger can be used to assess capillary refill, a foot can be used to assess pedal pulses, or an eye for the red reflex and condition of the cornea and color of the sclera

• Combine several teaching strategies by using Gaming in clam and providing prizes. Inexpensive trinkets, food products, nuning related company giveaways, and tokens may be used. One summer, my children spent on of good times “winning” boardwalk prizes for my students’ fall games. 

    Discount shares, toy stores, and magic stores can supply Toys, Prizes, and Props. Some mail order companies gear their products specifically toward this type of market, in which large volumes of inexpensive items may be purchased.

    Bring a blender to class. I’ve used a blender to demonstrate the analytical part of the nursing process, in which all sorts of data must be mixed together to create a homogenized product, the nursing diagnosis. 

    The blender can also denote the brain’s role in neurological functioning, the need to mix different types of people in groups, and many other topics. This example illustrates the we of common household item to provide a visual cue.

    Show health care equipment and let the students pass it around the room. This visual cue helps students to learn and understand difficult new equipment.

    Candy, gum, sugar free products, and healthy snacks may be med. Food is always a welcome diversion.

    In teaching about conflict management and assertiveness, one colleague brings an assorted collection of stuffed and plastic sharks to class. She describes each to the class, emphasizing the characteristics and methods of dealing with well dressed shark a, sharks in sheep’s clothing, big sharks, little sharks, sharks with teeth, and man eating sharks. 

    She passes out the sharks in the class and asks participants how they would react to and manage such a shark in their personal work environment.

    Bring bubbles to class. Bubbles are a common birthday party and wedding favor and may be purchased inexpensively at party stores. You need to connect the bubbles with class objectives enhanced ventilation, celebration of a newly learned skill, or a creative teaching method. 

    Then have the students blow the bubbles to provide a memory cur. You can also ask students to come up with their own associations as long as the bubbles stay linked to course objectives or content. 

• You can bells and whistles to “tool in” the class after spirited group activities. You also can distribute them as visual cues, for example, whistles are effective in replicating breathing exercises. The bell or whistle may also be an auditory cue that you are moving to the next topic or section.

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