Past Experiences and Be Prepared as a Strategy In Nursing Education

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Nursing Education and Past Experiences and Be Prepared as a Strategy

Past Experiences and Be Prepared as a Strategy In Nursing Education

Past Experiences with General Description In Nursing Education, Preparation and Equipment for General Description In Nursing Education, Implementation of Past Experiences Strategy  In Nursing education, Be Prepared As Teaching Strategy In Nursing Education, Implementation of Be Prepared Strategy In Nursing Education.

Past Experiences with General Description In Nursing Education

    Some of the common region’s nurses enter the field are some past experiences with health care, illness, or trauma and acquaintance with nurses. Individual experiences can be valuable if shared among the group. This strategy simply calls for a brief discussion of the student’s past experiences with any aspect of the class content.

Preparation and Equipment for General Description In Nursing Education

    No equipment is necessary. You just need to plan which topics to address and when to ask the questions during those classes.

    Example of the Strategy at Work Past Experiences worlds especially well with a group of 30 or fewer participants. I simply ask, “What have your past experiences with nursing been like!”. 

    “What past experiences have you had with nursing” Surprisingly, students share very candid stories of both positive and negative experiences with nurses. Often these experiences, whether positive or negative, spark an interest in pursuing a nursing career. 

Implementation of Past Experiences Strategy  In Nursing education

    Seasoned nurses and continuing education students may be asked. “What past experiences have you had with nursing students?” as a way to generate discussion about the next generation of nurses

    Personal experiences with illness, trauma, health care, and disability may provide a unique opportunity to share and learn. Although Past Experiences is introduced here as an icebreaker, students who know each other well may feel especially free to share intimate personal details.

    Sharing in a large classroom may be difficult. You can ask larger classes to reflect quietly on Past Experiences or to write down a short synopsis of their thoughts.

    Students in clinical groups may discuss hospital routines, nursing staff, and other subjects to generate discussion and share clinical experiences

    For specific class material, it’s effective to link the class topic with the students past experiences. For example, if you’re reaching a class on diabetes, you could ask, “What is your previous experience with diabetes” or, “When you hear the word ‘diabetes,” what do you think of This tactic introduces class material, provides a brief assessment of the class, and sets the stage for learning. 

Be Prepared As Teaching Strategy In Nursing Education

    General Description Much as the Boy Scout phrase implies, students need to Be Prepared for class and learning. Often, though, they don’t know how to prepare effectively for a class or learning session. Lack of preparation slows learning and frustrates the instructor and the class alike. 

    This strategy opens the class with a disunion of how students should Be Prepared for that particular session. You should share your hopes and expectations. The end of the class will include your suggestions on how the students should prepare for the next class. You’ll use that closing strategy as the introduction to the next clast.

    An important element of Be Prepared is a critical analysis of what class preparation requires. Frequently we burden. students with entire chapters and other long passages. Students may learn from experience that reading an entire assignment is a waste of time. 

    Some will postpone the readings until after class so they can focus on information they’ve just heard. Meanwhile the instructor assumes that the group is prepared, only to be asked to spell some of the simpler words in the assignment.

    Look over the course content and objectives and consider what preparation is essential for classroom learning. Abbreviated sections of readings charts, pictures, or boxes; and questions and exercises within chapters often highlight key points of the content

    Example of the Strategy at Work Nothing is more discouraging for an instructor than a class in which students walk in and ask, “What are we talking about today!” Obviously, these students didn’t do their tradings or think about clam objectives. When this happens, I use Be Prepared to help students get ready for subsequent clauses.

    At the end of one class and the beginning of the next. I focus on three to four aspects of each chapter or exercise that will assist in class preparation. For example, when presenting congestive heart failure (CHF) and medications, I ask students to review their pathophysiology notes about CHF, I remind them of the importance of the terms prelude, afterload, and contractility. 

    Then I tell them we’ll be using these terms to describe the actions of selected medications. This technique sparks a interest-now they understand the need to remember these words. I do this exercise a few minutes before class ends to keep the students from putting away their notebooks in the middle of my discussion. 

Implementation of Be Prepared Strategy In Nursing Education

    Textbooks are great sources for questions, terms to define, case studies, and chapter synopses.

    Sometimes just reading the chapter summary helps students get a glimmer of what the next class will cover. You should reinforce the importance of reading more deeply, but busy students may benefit from some shortcuts

    Preparation is difficult to expect from busy nurses attending can timing or in-service education. Signs or e-mail messages hinting at discussion topics may spark interest in attending a class. The mention of words or concepts learned in nursing school and perhaps forgotten can also generate interest. This also is true if the content represents a new skill set or job expectation.

    Articles or outlines for class preparation may be posted online or in public areas. Some schools and agencies have found the rest rooms a great forum for educational materials! One academic setting calls this “Elimination Illumination.”

    Gather some “Do you know?” questions under the Be Prepared heading. Post them on a sign or in an e-mail. They’ll stimulate questions, encourage thought, and increase the likelihood that your students will be prepared.

    Any material used to entice your students must be discussed in class and included in tests. This kind of follow-up is necessary to drive home the value of the strategy.

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