Strategy of Setting Stage and Priorities In Nursing Education

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Nursing Education and Strategy of Setting Stage and Priorities

Strategy of Setting Stage and Priorities In Nursing Education

 Set the Stage as Educational Strategy In Nursing Education, Preparation and Equipment for Setting Stage In Nursing Education, Implementation of Setting Stage In Nursing Education, Strategy Setting Priorities In Nursing Education, Implementation of Setting Priorities In Nursing Education.

Set the Stage as Educational Strategy In Nursing Education

    General Description In the find few minutes of a class, whether in an academic or a clinical setting, the instructor primes the students for learning. Set the Stage is an ice breaking strategy that establishes the ground rules, introduces the class, and sets the tone. This ago is a great time for “house keeping” details, setting important dates, and making necessary announcements.

    One colleague lamented that a Ana lent entered class with the question “Are you going to say anything important today!” Set the Stage lets the instructor ensure that something important will be covered in cater In Set the Stage, the instructor may read poems or short stories, play music, discuss class policies, or introduce speakers. 

    Many speakers prefer to introduce themselves some let others introduce them. My personal preference is to avoid the common litany of educational and employment histories and ask speakers to decide what they’d like the class to know about them. 

Preparation and Equipment for Setting Stage In Nursing Education

    The equipment depends on the type of stage setting method used. If you’re reading a piece, you just need to bring it to class. If you’re playing music, you need to prepare the cassette or CD player. You may copy a short excerpt of music to a CD to play for the class. An audio cable is needed with PowerPoint, or speakers can be attached to a laptop computer for large clines. 

    When you copy short clips it’s important to remember the rule of fair use. give credit to the com poser and musicians, and contact your legal counsel with any questions. Example of the Strategy at Work I use one of my favorite stage- setting examples in a continuing education and academic class on adolescent health. 

    At the beginning of this class. I read the following quotation to illustrate the characteristics of adolescent thinking. I adapted a story by Steinberg and used it in an article I wrote on the “reen brain.” This illustration, hazed on tern thinking, depicts some of the realities of meeting adolescent lateritic

    You work with children with diabetes. You notice Caitlin is hospitalized again! Caitlin is a 14-year-old with type I diabetes. This is her third admission in the last year it is always the same. Caitlin gets busy with school and activities. She forgets to check her blood sugars. 

    She doesn’t know when her levels are high and when to check ketones. She forgets to calculate her carbohydrate-to- insulin ratio, doesn’t correct her lows using her correction formula. and sometimes forgets her insulin altogether. She proceeds to be admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis. 

    You sigh as you enter Caitlin’s room, As you stand at her bedside you ask, “Caitlin, what were you thinking?” With wisdom far beyond her years or her recent behavior, Caitlin replies, “That’s just it-I wasn’t thinking! This confirms what you have believed all along-teens think differently!

Implementation of Setting Stage In Nursing Education

    Play a popular song to set the tone for the class. You might use “Haven’t Got Time for the Pain” by Carly Simon for a class in pain management, songs about heat for fever management, “Hope you Dance” by Lee Ann Womack for launching into publishing, and “These Are the Good Old Days” by Carly Simon to open a talk on the history of nursing, Same connections aren’t as clear as others. 

    For example, “Hope You Dance” embraces an active involvement in life and love. A colleague used this song to invite class participants to collaborate in publishing and enjoy the experience of writing for publication. Come up with your own tuses and play short excerpts to open the class. Song clips are especially effective in opening topics with an affective component.

    You can use a strategy called Quiz About Me. Tell the students several facts about your self years spent in nursing, you’re nursing specially, your hobbies, or the way you spend you for time. Then turn around and ask them to tell the class the same facts about themselves. 

    After a few students have shared their thoughts, ask. “How many people spend their time or “How many people enjoy,” using the students’ ideas to get to know the group. This strategy allows you and the class to get acquainted and puts you on a more human plane. It can take as line as 3 minutes.

    A colleague discusses using a “Stump the Profession strategy to set the stage. Students are encouraged to come up with a fact or question to challenge the instructor. Keeping this strategy good natured reinforces mutual respect and learning. Set the Stage is especially valuable in continuing education or staff development classes.

    Several ground rules in any class are important. In this day of cell phones, pagers, and direct-call phones, you need to send out a dear message about turning them off or silencing them. Even in the vibrate mode, the phone can be a disruption.

    Latecomers may also disrupt a class, Some instructors follow the theater model, in which the door is locked after the class has started. That way, students can’t come in later and disturb the dan. Of course, sometimes we’re so glad to see students come to class, we may overlook infractions of punctuality.

     It’s important to make clear that you and any speakers who come so class need quiet so they can present the material. All instructor have experienced the hassle of undercurrent conversation, which are very distracting for teachers and students alike. Setting the Stage for a professional class atmosphere can go a long way toward creating a fertile learning environment. 

Strategy Setting Priorities In Nursing Education

    General Description Setting priorities is one of the foremost challenges of nursing and nursing education. The more students learn, the mote often they encounter this challenge. This strategy allows students to draw on their own experience, helps them clarify values, and validates the importance of thoughtful priority setting

    Preparation and Equipment To use this strategy most effectively, give each student three index cards. If those aren’t available, ask each student to teat off three small pieces of paper. You may want to prepare a PowerPoint slide to introduce the exercises.

    Example of the Strategy at Work I use this icebreaker to introduce a class on the planning stage of the nursing process. Each student is given there index cards. The class members list something that matters greatly to them, something they value highly, and something they believe is important one item on each card. 

    I ask the students to look at these three cards and arrange them in order of personal importance. I ask the students to take their time to consider the criteria they use in priority ranking. Then comes the clincher: I ask them to rip up one card and throw it away. How does it feel to lose that thing they value so much!

    The next step is to rip up another card. By now the whole class is groaning and suffering a sense of loss. We then discuss how it feels to lose things that we value. This topic leads us to the importance of setting priorities carefully, and in turn, how priorities depend on the individual. If there’s time, students may share their real priorities, their reactions to loss, and the insight they gained from this exercise.

Implementation of Setting Priorities In Nursing Education

    Setting Priorities, like Common and Different, allows students to get to know each other.

    Students can share their thoughts with a partner, adding to the team-building quality of this exercise

    This strategy demonstrates the difficulties of setting priorities in any situation that requires it.

    Setting Priorities demands a level a self reflection and thought students are asked to consider the impact of lifestyle or situational changes.

    To set client nursing purities, list three to four client needs and have the students write them un cards. Then, as previously described, have student rip up cands and essentially develop a list of priorities among the concepts. This is a great way to induce priority setting to novice students and nurses.

    In giving up what they treasure most, students may better understand the sacrifices imposed by aging, poverty, injury, or illness for les aware students, this exercise provides a chance to practice both priority setting and the need to deal with low.

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