Use of Mnemonics, Quickie Quiz, Quizzes that Count and Feedback In Nursing Education

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Nursing Education and Strategy of Using Mnemonics, Quickie Quiz, Quizzes that Count and Feedback

Use of Mnemonics, Quickie Quiz, Quizzes that Count and Feedback In Nursing Education

Using Mnemonics In Health Care System and Nursing Education, Implementation of Mnemonics In Nursing Education, Keep am Awake Quizzes, Quickie Quizzes, Quizzes that Count In Nursing Education, Implementation of Quickie Quizzes, Quizzes that Count In Nursing Education, What Is Feedback Lecture In Nursing Education.

Using Mnemonics In Health Care System and Nursing Education

    We use mnemonics throughout our lives to remember facts. They provide verbal cues to remembering complex or difficult information. This is an area in which students and instructors can share their “memory devices with each other.

    The only preparation for this strategy is to remind yourself to Use Mnemonics when covering clan content. Example of the Strategy at Work Students have great ideas about mnemonics, and experience allows us all to accumulate them as we go along. Here are a few I enjoy.

    In a class on neurological deterioration, I explain decorticate and decerebrate posturing. I tell the class that in decorticate posturing the client brings the upper extremities “toward the cote.” The word “decerebrate” has more Es, indicating extension of the arms.

    When we discuss the uses of different antigout medications, students learn about allopurinol and colchicine. Allopurinol is given for chronic gout and colchicine for acute gout, so I tell the students that the As and Ca don’t match up. In the class on diabetes, I tell students that hypoglycemia is the “wet one.” marked by diaphoresis, and that hyperglycemia is the “dry one,” with symptoms of dehydration.

    The ABCs of the alphabet are used to reinforce Airway- Breathing-Circulation concepts in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. When memorizing the steps of the nursing process, students are taught 10 thinks of “A Delicious Apple PIE to remember Assessment, Diagnosis Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. 

    The potential list is endless. The importance of this strategy is the ability of students to make their own connections and to understand and Use Mnemonics consistently. 

Implementation of Mnemonics In Nursing Education

    Try to Use Mnemonics any time a complex process requires some level of memorization.

    Several published memorization resources can provide additional ideas. Go to to access additional mnemonics for nursing education.

    Have students post their “memory tools” on the class Web site of in Online Discussions.

    Make sure students understand that mnemonics are memory devices and that they’ll eventually need to step beyond retention to critical thinking. Memorization allows students to move on and think more analytically and critically about memorized material.

    Use the strategy of metaphor much as you would use mnemonics. One instructor has the entire class on a “recipe for success and referred frequently to cooking, ingredients, time, and the product to build a story for the class participants.

Keep am Awake Quizzes, Quickie Quizzes, Quizzes that Count In Nursing Education

    The mention of the word “quiz” makes students sit up straighter, complain, and panic. From the perspective of the instructor, quizzes provide a valuable way to assess understanding, document class attendance, and get a continuous measure of preparation and knowledge acquisition. Not all quizzes have to count, but quizzes interspersed with classroom presentations may provide a useful way to assess learning.

    Keep ‘em Awake Quizzes are simply two or three questions asked in the middle of class. They let you assess understanding and get a “read” on the class. Quickie Quirzes can be used as an opener to refresh previously learned material or reinforce preparation for that day’s class. These two types of quiz don’t count toward the cone grade but can be effectively used in continuing education and staff development. 

    Quizzes that Count can arises class knowledge, encourage participation and preparation, and offer another chance to students whose test grades are low because of anxiety or poor performance. For our purposes, quizzes consist of three to eight questions and take up less than 10 minutes of class time.

    Wise the quiz and the answer key before class. Set aside class time for the quiz you may provide the answers right after the quiz or later. For Quizzes that Count, make sure the quiz policy is clear in the class syllabus and that there are guidelines for quiz make  ups and grading. 

    You can hand out quizzes or put them on regular or Power Point slides. For quiz handouts, use colored paper to make students hand them in, or half sheers to conserve paper. Example of the Strategy at Work

Quickie Quiz

    For a class opener, I’ve asked students complete the following quiz. Our curriculum teaches pathophysiology separately from nuning interventions. As a way to remind students about what they’ve already learned, I start the class with this quiz. The students are always told. “It doesn’t count!” Keep ‘em Awake Quieres. 

    In the middle of clan, I show a few questions on slides to determine how well the students. comprehend the material (see following). Asking these questions allows students to apply material immediately and show whether or not they understand it. 

Quizzes that Count

    This strategy was shared with me by a colleague who attended a conference on student evaluation. Participants had complained about poor class attendance, lack of preparation, and lack of attentiveness. Quizzes that Count were developed as a result of these frustrations. 

    They consist of three questions: the student’s name (as a way to take intendance), one about the class readings, and one about the class discussion.

    Following in the quiz I give in the middle of the class on cleft lip and palate. At the time Eve discussed cleft lip but not cleft pulare, so the second question amasses attentiveness and the third question the level of class preparation. We allot points in each student’s grade for these quizzes. They’re given randomly throughout the semester and are unannounced. It’s best to vary the time to ensure that the class attends the entire session.

    Our faculty has embraced these quizzes with some controversy, many believe that class attendance and preparation are a personal choice and a component of adult learning. For more junior students, however, quizzes provide structure and incentive to attend and illustrate the importance of class readiness. 

    We drop one quire per semester from the grade to allow for unexcused absences. Our policy is conservative in what we consider an excused absence.

Implementation of Quickie Quizzes, Quizzes that Count In Nursing Education

    Develop a Keep ‘em Awake Quiz in a class with complex material before moving on to the next topic. Students may not admire they don’t know something or haven’t even thought about it yet. A small quiz will highlight the material and allow students to figure out whether they “get it” or have any questions. 

    These Quizzes may be used for extra credit when student interest it waning, as before breaks or at the end of the semester.

    Quizzes may be used in continuing education programs, such as critical care or other classes in which students are expected m review before attending

    Use Quizzes to focus studying for examinations, or give them before class to ensure that students are prepared. You’ll reward their preparation by just going over the answers in class or in a review session

    Quirzes are a great way to keep attention in a continuing education or staff development clan. Prizes or other incentives can make them even more interesting,

    Use old examination questions for Quizzes to get students comfortable with the level of difficulty and the test question format. You can “recycle” old quiz questions for subsequent examinations. Doing this reinforces the important or of class attendance. Using Quickie Quizzes at the beginning of class encourages students to be on time and settle in quickly.

 What Is Feedback Lecture In Nursing Education

    Feedback Lecture is a well-documented strategy used to complement traditional lectures. Osterman” developed this method as a means of combining lecture with performance based instruction. In this way, feedback becomes reciprocal, with both students and teachers learning throughout the process.

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