Critical Thinning In Nursing Education and Usefulness

Nurses Educator 2

Usefulness of Critical Thinning In Nursing Education

Critical Thinning In Nursing Education and Usefulness

Critical Thinking Exercises In Nursing Education,Use of THINK Model In Thinking Exercise,Implementation of Critical Thinking Exercise In Nursing Education.

Critical Thinking Exercises In Nursing Education

    General Description Critical Thinking Exercises (CTE) are a great way to get the thinking juices flowing. Used Carly in the class, they encourage participation and ground the students in the class content. 

    You can base them on class material or include them in the syllabus or in preparatory reading. This method encourages students to learn something about the topic before class, peruse the makings, and think about content before the class begins

    One frustration that students and novice nurses often encounter is the difficulty of setting priorities and “thinking like a nurse.” Use of CTEs that pinpoint these priorities allows participants to determine what is integral to a problem. 

Use of THINK Model In Thinking Exercise

    Critical Thinking Exercises in every class allow students to routinely practice internalizing and applying new concepts. This strategy is based on the THINK model crafted by Scheffer and Rubenfeld. The model identifies the following component of the critical thinking process.

T: Total recall and memory

H: Habits of learning and thinking

1: Inquiry and in depth thinking

N: New ideas and creativity

K: Knowing how one thinks and reflecting

Use of Critical Thinking Exercises allows students to use this THINK framework by:

Recalling information

Getting in the critical thinking habit

Spending preclass time thinking about content

Purting a new twist on known concepts

Reflecting on content after class

    Students also are able to assess their own learning before the rude awakening of an examination.

    Preparation and Equipment Critical Thinking Exercises can be introduced spontaneously or planned in advance. Questions such as “What tole does the nurse have in caring for this client!” “What is the highest priority for the nurse and client?” and “How would the nurse cope with this situation?” allow students to see the “madness” of content and begin problem-solving

    Example of the Strategy of Work For each running plan, 1 provide four to six CTEs. I make sure that these exercises, whether and to introduce or reinforce a topic, are well represented in the class objectives and on the evaluation material. 

    I also make sure that my CTE a relate to test questions for academic classes. For continuing education classes, CTEs presented at the beginning of class help the students gain interest and give them a taste of the topics to be discussed. 

Implementation of Critical Thinking Exercise In Nursing Education

1:You may want to use this strategy at both the beginning and the end of class so you can evaluate learning and provide closure.

2:I me the serm Critical Thinking Exercises or CTEs. You may want to come up with another term, such as Medical Surgical Thinking Exerciser, to add interest and individuality for specified

3:These curcises may be adapted for e-mail use. You can make them sound friendly by calling then E-mail Exercises.

4:Critical Thinking Exercises encourage attendance at clan, especially when the topics lead to test questions. They also provide students with tardy cues to nae as study guides. Sometimes question a posed as Critical Thinking Exercises may be more user-friendly than objectives, which students may find formidable.

5:For continuing education programs, include Critical Thinking Exercises in clans’ brochures, registration letters, or class advertisements and brochures. Well-articulated CTEs entice students 

6:In an academic setting, you may want to design Critical Thinking Exercises after examination questions, base examination questions on CTEx, or both. Either way, examination questions and CTEs should reflect key concepts and learning priorities.

    These representative examples may be used as both Critical Thinking Exercises and examination questions

    How do hospitals make up the costs on an extended admission when diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) are in effect!

    You make a medication error as a nursing student. Who is accountable?

    Why does helping a client sit up ease respirations!

    How do the signs of endergan perfusion differ in hypovolemic shock and in septic shock!

7:How can you assess the mental stands changes in a client with hepatic encephalopathy!

    What are the classic signs of hypoglycemia? Compare them with the  signs of hyperglycemia.

    A client is in congestive heart failure. What medications or classes of medications would you anticipate to be part of his can?

8:How do you assess pain in a nonverbal client.

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