Greeting Cards, Cartoons, Reasoning and Pictures In Nursing Education

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Nursing Education and Use of Greeting Cards, Cartoons, Reasoning and Pictures

Greeting Cards, Cartoons, Reasoning and Pictures In Nursing Education

Use of Greeting Cards, Cartoons, and Pictures In Nursing Education, Effectiveness of Greeting Cards, Cartoons, Reasoning and Pictures Use, Reasoning of Why Are You Here Concept In Nursing Education, Use of Reasoning In Nursing Education.
Use of Greeting Cards, Cartoons, and Pictures In Nursing Education

    General Description This approach has been readily embraced by nurses educators. If you use it, you must be always on the lookout for greeting cards, cartoons, pictures, appropriate jokes or stories, and other material to open the class with a smile. 

    The Internet has opened up a whole new world of e-mail jukes and other material. You can also search through calendars, newspapers, and magazines. The material should be a nursing, relevant to the clan content, and culturally and politically core sex for general classroom use

    Preparation and Equipment Materials may be photocopied onto transparency film, replicated freehand, or scanned into PowerPoint files. This strategy requires you to consider the fair use of copyrighted materials. 

    Although attorneys provide varying opinions in their counsel on fait use, most stipulate that such materials can be used for educational purposes if you follow certain guidelines. You may not sell admission to a class solely on the basis of another’s creative work, and you may not sell a copy of any written document that contains copyrighted material unless you have written permission. 

    This means that Power Point slides or handouts should not include copies of such material or scans of cards, photos, or cartoons. Credit should always be given when it’s appropriate

    Example of the Strategy at Work I have used this strategy as an opening tactic. When students see slides with comics, pictures, or jokes on the screen, they feel welcomed and a friendly tone is set for the class. Here in one, I have used and it was met with lots of laughter. 

    A frog goes into a bank and approaches the seller. He can perfrom her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. “Miss Whack, I’d like to get a 530,000 loan to take a holiday” Patry looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it’s okay, he knows the bank manager. 

    Patry explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, “Sure. I have this.” and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall. bright pink, and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she’ll have to could with the bank manager and disappears into a back office.

    She finds the manager and says. “There’s a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral.” She holds up the tiny pink elephant. “I mean, what in the world is this?” The hank manager looks back at her and says, “It’s a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man’s a Rolling Stone!” 

Effectiveness of Greeting Cards, Cartoons, Reasoning and Pictures Use

    You can show Greeting Cards, Cartoons, and Pictures in the middle of lecture content to break up sections of material or as a transition into the next topic

    Personal photos may be used with some content. Photos of others should always have a record of consent to use them for educational purposes.

    Again, the use of these materials requires the utmost in educator discretion. The strategy in effective in stimulating interest, but should not insult students or make them uncomfortable. You must me care with jokes and cartoons that use colorful language or innuendo, and you must keep in mind the purpose of the strategy. 

    Discretion must also be exercised with fair use parameters. Frequent use of pictures from clip art, the Web, and scanning provides visual cues for learners. When creating handouts for class, make sure that you delete all pictures. This is important for legal reasons and also to decrease the time it takes to download handouts from the Web.

Reasoning of Why Are You Here Concept In Nursing Education

    General Description This strategy explains itself, you simply ask “Why Are You Here?” before the start of a class session. You’re trying to determine the students’ goals for the class and examine their internal versus their external motivations for participating. You then can use this information in proceeding with the class.

    This strategy sets clear boundaries, ensuring that expectations are in line with planned teaching topics or content. You may be able to gear class objectives toward student needs, or provide creative teaching strategies for less motivated students. 

    By determining the motivation level, you can employ creative teaching strategies to enhance internal motivation. Preparation and Equipment No preparation is involved. All you have to do is remind yourself to ask the question at the beginning of class Example of the Strategy at Work I frequently use this strategy to open a semester or class. 

    I show the sentence Why Are You Here? and solicit group responses. The answers are sometimes amusing-for example, “Because my manager told me to come.” “Because I have to” or “It’s required.” 

    We then discuss what people want to learn from the class. how they want to he different at the end of it, or why they need the clam to improve their current or future job performance. Some students have a sincere desire to be there and will answer, “Because nurses need to know this.” or “I need to know this to go on in my career.

    By collecting student responses. I am more able to assess the needs and abilities of the group. I then introduce clan topics, clam objectives, or both. This information allovers all of us to determine whether the class will meet the students’ needs and gives me the opportunity to change gram or clarify class objectives. It also reinforces what the class will include after a discussion of Why Are You Here. 

Use of Reasoning In Nursing Education

    Use a flipchart in write down student responses. Go back to the flipchart at the end of class to determine whether most of the topics were addressed. You may want to briefly address topics that were missed.

    Some classes for example, the mandatories” suffer from low levels of student motivation. Why Are You Here! gives you an opportunity to spur interest by using creative strategies, instilling motivation through stories and exercises, and discussing the reasons these counsels are required. 

    This strategy is effective in opening up classroom dialoged and getting students primed for later class participation You can answer the question yourself, disclosing your love of teaching, your belief in the importance of the material, and your personal motivation to provide high- quality instruction.

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