Use of Games Puzzles and Brain Teasers In Nursing Education

Nurses Educator 2

Games Puzzles and Brain Teasers Use in Nursing Education

Use of Games Puzzles and Brain Teasers In Nursing Education

How use Starting with Games Puzzles, and Brain Teasers,Use of This Strategy In Nursing Education.

How use Starting with Games Puzzles, and Brain Teasers

    General Description When students come to class, they see a puzzle, garnet, or brain teaser on the overhead or PowerPoint screen (Boxes 2-2, 2-3). This strategy is especially valuable for large classes, when lots of discussion and participation may become unwieldy. It provides an activity for early arrivals or students who don’t know one another. Instructors can also pass out puzzles or games to get the thinking started.

    Preparation and Equipment You just need to find the brain teasers and have them available for the class, whether in audiovisual form or on paper. Example of the Strategy at Work Boxes 2-2 and 2-3 show only two of many possible brain teasers. 

Use of This Strategy In Nursing Education

    Obviously, the examples shown have been used for pharmacology calculations. It can be used, though, for any material that has complex concepts or a Muddiest Part.

    E-mail the questions or brain teasers out to the class. Ask the class to bring the answers to the next clan. You can also ask the students to answer you orally. Give prizes in front of the clan to the ones who answer correctly. You can combine this strategy with Admit Ticket.

    Send the Brain Teasers out in the confirmation letter or in the registration materials. Use them to stimulate interest in a topic and discuss the answers in class as an ice breaker. Post the Brain Teaser to the class or to the organization’s Web page. Provide prizes for those who enter the clause with the right answer.

    Post answers to the class Webzine or on a common class bulletin board. Include a Brain Teaser used in class as an extra credit option on an examination. This rewards class attendance, punctuality, and memory for the answer. 

    If you in academically difficult, “stumping Brain Teasers, current class topics may not seem so formidable.

    Critical thinking tests provide puzzles and Brain Teasers relevant to nursing that may be adapted for any class content. General Description This may be one of my favorite icebreakers, It’s valuable for students who don’t know each other. Students are asked to form pairs or tries. 

    Remind them not to select people they already know They talk within their groups for a short time, perhaps 5 minutes. In that time, they must come up with four similarities and four characteristics unique to each group member. Invariably, gender, occupation, marital status, and parenting experience are mentioned.

    Coming up with those eight characteristics requires students to delve somewhat into Rich others’ lives. The most rewarding aspect of this method is that the students who do this exercise together become bonded for the duration of the class. Thus, collegiality increases among students who have not practically worked together. 

    Be aware, though  that some students won’t participate in this (or any other) ice quake. However, this one is less threatening and appears to engage students more intensely than other strategies

    Preparation and Equipment One of the greatest assets of this strategy is how much reward it produces with little effort. The only preparation you need is memory; just remember to introduce the strategy at the beginning of clan. You can also prepare a screen with instructions that stimulate action and cut down on your need to give directions.

    Use Common and Different for nursing clinical groups or Orien when small numbers of participants know each other and others may feel left out.

    This exercise may be done in pairs, trios, or larger groups.You can alter the number-it doesn’t have to be four-to fit the class time frame and objectives. 

    Common and Different may be used to open meetings. Even people who have worked together may discover some eye openers when they reach out to discover each other’s common points and differences.

    You can stimulate discussion after the exercise by asking the group. “Which was hardest, finding commonalities or finding differences The answers may provide insight into the group process and composition.Common and Different may ago generate discussion about differences and similarities, transferring to cultural, professional, ethical. or controversial topics

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